
Yeah I definitely see what you mean. I'm still pretty new to this shit so I have trouble getting everything to find exactly the right spot in the mix, my guitars and snare seem to compete alot. Do you have any tips to remedy this without losing alot in my guitar tone? Maybe a notch would work.
The drums are actually samples. I've replaced the cymbals from what is up on here, but the snare is Sneap's Chimaira blended with Ryan's orange county. I'll definitely check out some piccolo samples, thanks man.

Guitar is just 8505 panned hard left and right with sprehigh. Then solo c panned 75 with alu's framus and engl impulses. Some comp, high and low pass, and slight cuts at 400 and about 6000.

I dunno man what do you guys think about the guitars? There's something about them I don't like but I can't place it.
The guitars kill! reminds me of a beefier version of the guitars on jfac's genesis, only thing i didn't like was the bass tone and that kick... sounds real flabby, reminiscent of the kick on the self titled slipknot album