Deathmetal / Metalcore Mix needs professional advice


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2010
Hey guys.
I've got this mix here that I'm certainly not very satisfied with..... I tried several approaches, but I think this one is closest to a nice sound.
I don't really know how to move on with this mix, I'm VERY VERY thankful for ANY advice!!!!1

(btw. please ignore the intro stuff, just some uggggggly sea monster having a sailor for dinner ;) )

PS: A concrete problem is the guitar sound. I simply can't figure out the annoying frequency in that tone

here's another try:
I think its a little bit clearer.
Any advice? or comments?

Anyone? :'(
Deadline for this project is Next Week so it would Be tralla gerat to gather some comments :)
sounds pretty good to me, its loud clear.
The kick seems a little card boardish to me tho.

and at some points there weird fuzz in the guitars.
but overall sounds pretty solid.
Hey Christopher! Thank you very much for your comment!
I think I know what you mean! As I heard the mix on my car-stereo this morning, I also found the kick being pretty boxy.... I think I need some serious room treatment.
By the way.. which mix did you mean? #10 or #11? I added some 5-8kHz to the guitars in #11 for I thought they would deserve more of this "harsh" tone.
Do you think it's too much?
Also I ran into some problems concering the low-freq of the bass around 120-200. Where would you guys settle the main bass-punch in such a mix? I simply can't figure out where it's not overwhelming, but supporting the guitars in a decent way.
Overall I'd say it sounds solid. I don't care much for the snare sound, but I like a lot of the bottom snare in the mix and as it is it fits in the mix pretty well. I liked the guitars in mix 11 better out of the two, but I think they could be brought up a dB or two. Also, I find really annoying frequencies on the guitar to be around 2.3kHz and I'll notch that frequency out, usually pretty drastically so you may want to try that and see if it helps. Bass is always something I struggle with so I'm not going to comment on that.

Does anyone else think these guys sound Slipknot-ish? Particularly the singer?