Death's Sound of Preserverance - the sound?


Sep 29, 2003
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Can anyone give me any advice to get a sound at least similar to that which Chuck uses on Death's Sound of Preserverance album? I've loved the guitar sound for years now, and I just realized I want to have that sound behind my axe, and see what I can pull off :Spin:
Chuck always used Dimarzio PUs (Evolution I think) that should help you a bit.
I have a BC Rich Warlock (chuck had a BC Rich Stealth Custom) with a Dimarzio Superdistortion2 and it has a sound pretty similar to the Death-sound (though I'm still in search for a good amp)
this is taken from an interview with chuck on :
Well, I really have a simple set up. I've been playing the B.C.Rich Stealth for years now. I have three of them, one is a custom black one that is my main stage guitar, one is an emerald green that is really beautiful, and an old one that I recently stripped down. They all have a fixed bridge and one Dimarzio X2N pickup which is a key to my sound. My amp is a Marshall Valvestate head and cabinet, that's about it. I don't use effects except for a little chorus on my leads, I really like a basic setup.

MightyDrynwhyl: you were right about that PU. I didnt really remember wich modell it was, the word evolution just appeard first in my head when i thought about it
:dopey: Rock, thanks guys, I've been looking for an excuse to change out the standard humbuckers that came with my Ibanez for years now, I just had no idea what kind to put in their place; now I think I might get around to it :rock: