Deathslam 10 songs (melodic death metal)


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2010

epiphone les paul, pod UX1, reaper audio, pod farm, drum kit from hell, and izotope o-zone.

I need help with my tone, I am moderately happy with my songs, I have about 10 more not posted, but I just cant stand how my guitar sounds, I've tried almost everything in pod farm and it just doesn't do it for me. I'm slowly learning to EQ, help me.

I want a full, low, punchy, METAL sounding guitar.

If anyone can give me examples of what I can do better or what I should use I would LOVE you.

Edit** I'm poor too so keep that in mind.

epiphone les paul, pod UX1, reaper audio, pod farm, drum kit from hell, and izotope o-zone.

I need help with my tone, I am moderately happy with my songs, I have about 10 more not posted, but I just cant stand how my guitar sounds, I've tried almost everything in pod farm and it just doesn't do it for me. I'm slowly learning to EQ, help me.

I want a full, low, punchy, METAL sounding guitar.

If anyone can give me examples of what I can do better or what I should use I would LOVE you.

Edit** I'm poor too so keep that in mind.

get ozone out of the mix cause you obviously dont know how to use it. Get a bass guitar and go from there.

Pointers for a really good metal mix
real amps (not line 6 spiders, the real deal amps like 5150 and rectifiers)
Great players
Good pickups
Fresh Strings
Fat bass guitar
Drums in a nice room
Knowledge of mixing
Good monitoring

Just practice more and more. You will get the hang of it if you keep at it. If it were as easy as pod farm preset, stock drumkit from hell and ozone everyone would be good at it. Lots and LOTS of practice and experience, reading this forum religiously and getting better gear will definitely help alot.

Great gear isnt gonna make your mixes better per say, but it will make it ALOT easier. Being poor and being an AE do not go together btw, so start saving those pennys