Deathspell Omega guitar tone?

^ its a great laugh isn't it?! fuck, now i'm tempted to take the pliers to my own bass... i'd better not :)

I just gotta sort out the nut, the inner strings are a bit too high for my liking.
did you fill in the gaps where the frets had been? i didn't bother and i'm glad it has no effect on the sound.
I was thinking about just filing the frets flat so that the neck wouldn't bow and then lower the string height. I wish I hadn't given the guitar the piledriver into the stage the last time we played. Ouch. I think I can piece it back together enough to have it make some noise again.
^the neck wont bow anyway, assuming it has a truss-rod :)
its something i was worried about at first, but i checked it up and there is no problem with leaving the gaps where the frets were.

I was, frankly, amazed at how little effort it took to get the thing de-fretted, just a knife and pliers, a sanding block and some sandpaper.

listening to Gorguts "Obscura" right now and it is fuckin sick.
So how is that fretless guitar working out? Is it hard to keep your chords in tune, or do you mostly play melodies, or what?
right now, double stops are ok. full chords? i dont think i'll ever be able to do them on a fretless but apparantly the guys who are really good at it can do it fine.
overall its great. i still need to tweak the truss-rod a bit further and such but definatly no regrets. its not that hard to play in tune but half the point of it is that you can go mad with the non-western scales and total dissonance. up yours Harmony!! :)

its a bit wierd though. theres a kind of "buzzing" and the attack is real soft. the higher strings are hard to work with, but from what i've read,, these are mostly technique problems.

if you have an old guitar gathering dust then i'd definatly recommend going the fretless route.