Deathspell Omega: Third Prayer thru' to Malign Paradigm

Yep that's about it. Funny you mention Meshuggah as two big fans of them on another forum loved that new one but spart on everything before Kénôse. Two types of listeners ; "before" and "after" Kénôse/FAS types. Well some are exceptions and like everything they've done.. even before it's out.
By the way, I agree that the new DsO is not good. I don't like the Messhuggah direction they've taken (and some of it is bog standard death metal), but there is no doubt that Nate the Great and NAD will dig it.
Meshuggah, wtf?! Just because they are using polyrhythms doesn't mean it's Meshuggah, that's like saying "At the Gates used a violin on their first album, therefore they are Mozart." :tickled:

Fas is a jazz album under the veil of black metal, just like Si Monvmentvm was 70's prog taken to darker places.

Amazing fucking band. Far too progressive for most types around here.

Fas is one of those albums that explains why I started listening to extreme music to begin with. I don't want the same old crap time and time again, and if I did, I'd go back to old albums I already know well. I need boundaries pushed, envelopes opened, lines of decency crossed. It's why I loved Carcass, Napalm Death, Morbid Angel, et. al. so much way back when, it was new, it was fresh, it was beyond what has come before.

Which takes us to stoner. Same old crap time and time again, just gets a little heavier with each passing year. That genre fulfills my "why can't anyone rock out like Zeppelin anymore" desires. :dopey:
I don't mind boundaries being pushed or progression, but the music needs to be up to standard. While DsO pass in the former, they fail in the latter.