Deathspell Omega: Third Prayer thru' to Malign Paradigm

NP . By the way, these tracks are total Monsters, and if their next album is following this direction it might be a little too much even for me. Goddamn Diabolicus Absconditus' intro is almost like Blut Aus Nord and both tracks are 20 mins. But those riffs.. (especially @ 10 and 16 minute :notworthy)
Dev said:
NP . By the way, these tracks are total Monsters, and if their next album is following this direction it might be a little too much even for me. Goddamn Diabolicus Absconditus' intro is almost like Blut Aus Nord and both tracks are 20 mins. But those riffs.. (especially @ 10 and 16 minute :notworthy)

The tracks are not recorded after Kénôse, so they don't really tell what is coming...
M.Lehto said:
The tracks are not recorded after Kénôse, so they don't really tell what is coming...

Not any of the two? Anyway, maybe they will come back to shorter songs. A new one for this year would be sweet :cool:
Deathspell Omega is pure class. I bought the re-release of their first album (Infernal Battles) some weeks ago and listened to it for the third time or so today and now I am even more impreed by this band. They really can write music, that's what I realised after now having heard their entire catalogue and that they've now evolved beyond mere blasphemy in the lyrical compartment is just icing on the cake.IF offers what first seems to be the standard audial clone of Darkthrone, but after spending some time with the songs it becomes obvious how great the different is between mediocre and truely skilled Darkthrone worship ;)

I also wholeheartedly recomend their second full length and the split with Clandestine Blaze

Desecration Master from Inquisitors of Satan
JayKeeley said:
DsO are a breed apart.

That reminds me, I still need to hear this Lunar Aurora band you guys keep talking about.

The three last Lunar Aurora albums, which are my favs, are quite different : Elixir of Sorrow -> excellent atmospheric/symphonic BM , the least consistent of the three but it has awesome tracks like 'Hier und Jetzt' ; Zyklus is their concept album : rawer and less 'symphonic'. Their best IMO . Brillance and maybe on par with N' Crugu Braudului and Si Monvmentvm... to me of course.. To finish, Mond, which was dismissed by many, is more powerful ( blast-beat from start on half the tracks at least), thrashy and more 'polished' but it is still all about atmosphere, don't let the catchiness fool you. I know Henrik Main likes this one too.

I will upload tracks from these three later if you wish.
Dev said:
Not any of the two? Anyway, maybe they will come back to shorter songs. A new one for this year would be sweet :cool:

Here’s an official statement by the band:

-“Diabolus Absconditus” (featured on “Crushing the Holy Trinity”, by Northern Heritage), “Mass Grave Aesthetics” (split with Malicious Secrets, by EAL) and “Kénôse” (by Noevdia/Ajna) are being released almost simultaneously in mid-2005. The different background of these recordings demands, however, a slight explanation.

The inception of the two first projects dates back to early 2002, and they emerged from the same recording session. Their lyrical dimension is subsequently a part of the global conceptual work that started with “Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice”, but they are not to be considered as chronological descendants of this chapter, rather as parallel or preceding statements that may enlighten certain aspects of this, or of future works.

“Kénôse”, to the contrary, is the immediate follow-up to “Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice”, in the sense that it is a conceptual appendix to this release, and that it constitutes a preamble to the actual second chapter of the trilogy.” –
Here’s an official statement by the band:

-“Diabolus Absconditus” (featured on “Crushing the Holy Trinity”, by Northern Heritage), “Mass Grave Aesthetics” (split with Malicious Secrets, by EAL) and “Kénôse” (by Noevdia/Ajna) are being released almost simultaneously in mid-2005. The different background of these recordings demands, however, a slight explanation.

The inception of the two first projects dates back to early 2002, and they emerged from the same recording session. Their lyrical dimension is subsequently a part of the global conceptual work that started with “Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice”, but they are not to be considered as chronological descendants of this chapter, rather as parallel or preceding statements that may enlighten certain aspects of this, or of future works.

“Kénôse”, to the contrary, is the immediate follow-up to “Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice”, in the sense that it is a conceptual appendix to this release, and that it constitutes a preamble to the actual second chapter of the trilogy.” –

I was going to ask a question about this, but I suppose this answers it somewhat.

So if Si Monumentum is part 1 of a trilogy, and Kenose is an addendum, then does that mean parts 2 and 3 are in the works?
I finally got my hands on a new copy of SMRC. What's beautiful is that it works as either music to play and take on surface value while I do something else, or music to focus on and get totally absorbed in. So much insane shit going on, and yet it comes together so perfectly. I wish more black metal was like this.
I know most generally like the Circumspice album, but the last 7 songs on that album are PURE CLASS.

That's like 35 minutes of some of the most supreme atmosphere / innovative songwriting I've heard in BM, no shit.

"Carnal Malefactor", with the whole monk chant thing going on, and straight into blasting riffs is exceptional.

Cannot wait for Kenose to show up. (I bought it blind, here's hoping).

EDIT: I know, I know, I'm late to the DO party....but it only really just clicked with me today.

bump for Zod :tickled:

P.S. It took me months longer to appreciate the Circumspice album, so the 'sugar rush' with bands like DsO, Negura, Skepticism, aint gonna happen. For me personally, I really had to put in the time....I always knew there was something viable so it kept me motivated to continue listening, but I do agree that sometimes you just know you're NEVER going to get it so you move along.
By the way, I agree that the new DsO is not good. I don't like the Messhuggah direction they've taken (and some of it is bog standard death metal), but there is no doubt that Nate the Great and NAD will dig it.