J. said:s'alright.
Whoa, don't go crazy over it or anything.

I am fairly surprised you only think it's "s'alright" though. I figured early BAN would be right up your alley.
J. said:s'alright.
Thanatopsis123 said:I am fairly surprised you only think it's "s'alright" though. I figured early BAN would be right up your alley.
Erik said:well maybe if you listened to it MORE you would not only notice that the album is called "elixir of sorrow", but also that it mostly fucking rules and that songs like "angenblick" and "zorn aus äonen" are just about as good as "hier und jetzt"
Haha ok:Erik said:well maybe if you listened to it MORE you would not only notice that the album is called "elixir of sorrow", but also that it mostly fucking rules and that songs like "angenblick" and "zorn aus äonen" are just about as good as "hier und jetzt"
J. said:i may buy deathspell omega, but it seems they have zero epicness to them, so that's a minus.
Opeth17 said:That statement obviously implies that it is the best black metal album I've ever heard, you obviously can't place it above something you haven't listened to, but those releases don't factor in for the same reason. If you can't claim an album to be the best there is or your favorite for lack of having heard everything that genre has ever released, then there would be no great albums because they would be great in comparison to what?
I also don't put "classic" releases on some worship level that should make me like them or respect them more than another release because they are older or helped innovate a genre/idea. I look at things in terms of quality musically and separate their influence, importance and other non-factors into a separate category. The best and most important albums do not, in fact, have to have anything to do with each other.
Some may argue Transilvanian Hunger or Pure Holocaust are the best black metal albums ever. To me, they aren't, though they were obviously important albums. Where it actually counts, in the music itself, SMR,C > either of those albums. Sorry if I'm not sentimental enough to restrain myself from committing blasphemy.
Erik said:blut aus nord sucks. deathspell omega is really good. overrated by some, but really good.
Thanatopsis123 said:Anyone know if Deathspell Omega has a band email address?