Deathspell Omega: Third Prayer thru' to Malign Paradigm

Need help...having a mental block...trying to think of a *current* BM band that outdoes DsO in terms of atmosphere, depression, razorsharp riffs....

Wait, can it be possible? Are DsO the best BM band out there right now?

*head spinnng* :Spin:
Demilich said:
is it out on cd? or just some oop/htf/fag shit?

Track #3 I belive.

JayKeely said:
Need help...having a mental block...trying to think of a *current* BM band that outdoes DsO in terms of atmosphere, depression, razorsharp riffs....

Uhm, Watain perhaps? It's a close call but were I forced to choose, DSO would come out ahead.

I think DSO is best at what they do, but I wouldn't say they're the epitome of current BM since there are so many varities. They out do most of the competition when it comes to pitch black atmosphere and sophistication, but, as an exmaple, it feels pointless comparing them to Negura Bunget.
DSO rules the crypt, while NB roams the forests triumphantly :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Need help...having a mental block...trying to think of a *current* BM band that outdoes DsO in terms of atmosphere, depression, razorsharp riffs....

Wait, can it be possible? Are DsO the best BM band out there right now?

*head spinnng* :Spin:

You also need
Lolz , yousendit coming.

It's Lunar Aurora - Zyklus btw , just as stunning as Si Monumentum..
and as to your question, I guess you should throw both ears into bands like Funeral Mist, Watain, Glorior Belli, maybe even Katharsis. They might not be as many-faceted and compelling as DsO but they share a similar take on biblical "aesthetics" and they are actually, how do you say... kickass
Yeah, well it's not exactly uplifting is it?! It's extremely depressing in a lot of places....and I don't mean "suicidal" oh woe is me sorta thing. I guess that goes along with it being moody.

That album to me is like "Name of the Rose" put to music. That has one of the most depressing vibes throughout -- medieval, old chapel, decrepid monks, constantly raining, mud, murder, mystery, intrigue...etc!


Great book. Good movie.
Ellestin said:
and as to your question, I guess you should throw both ears into bands like Funeral Mist, Watain, Glorior Belli, maybe even Katharsis. They might not be as many-faceted and compelling as DsO but they share a similar take on biblical "aesthetics" and they are actually, how do you say... kickass

Cool. I have Watain already but I'll look into the others too.
some cocky bastard who thinks he's cool but he's actually a huge fag and everyone pretends to be his friend cause he does stupid shit (like steal his parents car in the middle of the night) or to take advantage of him (eat his food, drink his booze and leave)