DEATHWITCH - Violence Blasphemy Sodomy

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
DEATHWITCH - Violence Blasphemy Sodomy


1. Intro
2. Flamethrower
3. Total Morbid
4. Blood Sucking Fuck
5. Abhorrent Sadistic Tormentor
6. Lord Of Ymodos
7. Witch Of Death
8. Necrosodomizer
9. Bitchfinder
10. Violence Blasphemy
11. Coffin Fornicator
12. Worthless Scum
13. Fuck Off And Die
14. Death Maniac

Label: Earache Records
Release date: 2003
Artist site:

Upon first glance, there are a few things that grab my attention about this latest promo. One, it's "for fucking promotional use only." Two, a "note to journalists" proclaiming "DEATHWITCH don't give a FUCK what you think." Hmm, upon further analysis I notice two tracks with the word in the title as well. I wonder where this is going to lead...

Violence Blasphemy Sodomy is 41 or so minutes of pure metal. Thrash, death, blackened, stir fry, you name it. All that and a bag of chips, I tell you what.

This release reminds me of when I first started hearing death metal on FM radio here in Houston, back in '89-'90. The program was Sweet Nightmares, it played Tuesday nights from midnight till 5 in the morning. That's where I heard CARCASS, IMPETIGO, ASPHYX, EXHORDER, old TIAMAT and countless others for the first time. This has that same spirit. Raw, yet the technique is there and it is definitely effective.

Is it original? Of course not, but when it's executed this well, who the fuck cares? See, now they've got me doing it! It's almost as if these guys don't know NILE, KRISIUN or any of the other over the top brutal bands that play three times the speed of light ever existed. More likely, they just don't care, as their statement to the press would indicate. I imagine this is exactly the kind of tape that these guys throw on from yesteryear to enjoy themselves.

Standout tracks include "Flamethrower," with it's galloping double bass switching from thrashed out MAIDEN to a pristine old school blast. It's short, sweet and to the point. "Blood Sucking Fuck" is quite a charming little ditty, coming off very '87-'88 sounding. I'm also really enjoying "Witch Of Death." The main riff is really cool and there's some SLAYEResque leads going on in the background. The plodding moshpit groove that starts off "Bitchfinder" (such clever song titles) makes it another personal favorite. "Fuck Off And Die," well, with a title like that, the song would have to suck beyond all belief to be anything less than good and I am happy to report it is killer, oops, I mean keee-ler!

Violence Blasphemy Sodomy is most definitely a beer swilling type of record, but at the same time it can be enjoyed with a cup of coffee. Now that's what I call all purpose! So, throw on your spikes and bulletbelts, your denim jackets, grab your ice cold brew or steaming cup of joe and take a trip down retro metal lane, and quite an enjoyable one at that.