Debris Inc. - Debris Inc.
Rise Above Records - RISECD059 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse
The return of legendary doom guitarist Dave Chandler to the land of the riff is one that has been long-awaited by fans of Saint Vitus, and to find that he's joined by Trouble bassist Ron Holzner has caused many a bong-addled doom addict to grin vacantly through their green haze in anticipation of the room-shaking reverberating low-end riffage to occur as a result of the partnership in the form of Debris Inc. However, the actual record that has ensued may well have a fair number of them choking on their pipe, consisting as it does of scuzzed-up punk, something akin to Eyehategod getting seriously goobered on skunk and whiskey then attempting to jam out Black Flag tracks.
In fact, apart from a couple of slow-burning doom number and that distinctive guitar tone, you probably wouldn't know Chandler was here at all. Ron Holzner's bass is as cool as ever though, his noodling through 'Fuckin' Mess' being a particular highlight. The knockabout cover of FEAR's 'I Love Living In The City' is enjoyable in a boozed-up-shambles kind of way, but the cover of LA female fronted punker's X's 'Nausea' isn't quite as enjoyable. There's an all-star cast of drummers involved too, including Tony Costanza. There's a track dedicated to a couple of cats. And there's a suitably raw, let's-do-it-in-one-take-and-fuck-rehearsals feel to the whole affair.
Sadly, however, once you get over the novelty of it all, it quickly becomes tiring. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this, since it basically sounds like a bunch of guys jamming randomly in a garage more than the full-price album it's purporting to be. A curiosity, and something perhaps for rabid fans of messes. Chandler and Holzner, but for the general public - well, if you want doom it'd be better to pick up a Trouble or Saint Vitus album, and if you want punk you'd be better served with something by Black Flag, rather than this rag-tag amalgamation of the above.
Official Debris Inc. Website
Official Rise Above Records Website
Rise Above Records - RISECD059 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse

The return of legendary doom guitarist Dave Chandler to the land of the riff is one that has been long-awaited by fans of Saint Vitus, and to find that he's joined by Trouble bassist Ron Holzner has caused many a bong-addled doom addict to grin vacantly through their green haze in anticipation of the room-shaking reverberating low-end riffage to occur as a result of the partnership in the form of Debris Inc. However, the actual record that has ensued may well have a fair number of them choking on their pipe, consisting as it does of scuzzed-up punk, something akin to Eyehategod getting seriously goobered on skunk and whiskey then attempting to jam out Black Flag tracks.
In fact, apart from a couple of slow-burning doom number and that distinctive guitar tone, you probably wouldn't know Chandler was here at all. Ron Holzner's bass is as cool as ever though, his noodling through 'Fuckin' Mess' being a particular highlight. The knockabout cover of FEAR's 'I Love Living In The City' is enjoyable in a boozed-up-shambles kind of way, but the cover of LA female fronted punker's X's 'Nausea' isn't quite as enjoyable. There's an all-star cast of drummers involved too, including Tony Costanza. There's a track dedicated to a couple of cats. And there's a suitably raw, let's-do-it-in-one-take-and-fuck-rehearsals feel to the whole affair.
Sadly, however, once you get over the novelty of it all, it quickly becomes tiring. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this, since it basically sounds like a bunch of guys jamming randomly in a garage more than the full-price album it's purporting to be. A curiosity, and something perhaps for rabid fans of messes. Chandler and Holzner, but for the general public - well, if you want doom it'd be better to pick up a Trouble or Saint Vitus album, and if you want punk you'd be better served with something by Black Flag, rather than this rag-tag amalgamation of the above.
Official Debris Inc. Website
Official Rise Above Records Website