Decapitated poster

i know it's going to sound like a lame as hell excuse, but i didn't find out they were touring last year until literally the day before cos i'd been working my ass off trying to ensure i didn't fail uni, and i couldn't get the day off work the night they were playing Manchester so i was pretty much fucked as regards seeing them there.

i was tempted to go the Bradford date but couldn't afford it.... same reason i didn't go to the launch partyy thing in December, because as per usual it's happened only in London and i was skint :erk:

it should be fun if i miss my last train at 11/ 11:10 because im too busy rocking the fuck out :Spin:

ah well, only 40 miles to hitch home lol

i texted my parents offering to give them some petrol money if they could come and pick me up, mentioning that the main band i'd gone to see hadn't even come onstage yet.

I could have left and got the last trian home, but i would have got home at the same time i did getting a lift, plus i'd have missed a storming set from Decapitated so... :)

btw, i can't remember who it is, but whoever said i would meet some of them was right!
i met half of Anata, froze like a deer in headlights as Martin walked past me (and about 5 people all in Decapitated tops who didnt recognise him :Spin: ), sounded like a complete arse to the other half of Anata and said some random crap about someone on here saying id meet them to Sauron - who pretty much couldn't hear a word i was saying :hotjump:
Good stuff Doc!

When i went to see The Berzerker a while back i ended up having to get the last train home. We ended up leaving at about 11:10, entirly missing the berzerker's set hahah!
We caught December and Corporation 187 though who were fucking awsome..
Ah well...!
Dr Psyklonic said:
lemme guess, was that at the Bierkeller too?

your thing says you're from Manchester though, so how come you had to leave that early?

Yeh it was at the bierkeller!
I'm about 30/40 mins from manchester... Northwich in Cheshire.
I Just put manchester for simplicities sake, usually people 'accross the puddle' have only heard of Manchester & London :)
i just normally put something like 'England' or 'NW England'.
i mean i could say im from Chester, but the amount of people that either wouldn't know where that is or think im from Hollyoaks doesn't exactly make it worth it!

i had to explain to someone yesterday just how unposh the majority of Chester actually is, contradicting the stereotype that if you're from Chester you're posh.

Something to do with the magazine 'Cheshire Life' i think