Deceiver of the Gods (Album) tabs

sam b

Jul 15, 2012
New member here, is there a way I can see those tabs without buying that guitar pro program? (by the way, I'm also new to the guitar, so I'm not familiar on getting tabs, the riffs I'm learning are from watching youtube videos)
EDIT: I mean yeah, hi, new member! :-)

By the way, some recommendations for a special guitar - just for fun and learning, only a simple thing? Well, I've got an acoustic guitar but really I appreciate it to play the piano just for me right now, not for the neighbours .... ;) So I'm looking for a guitar now to play with headphones and without outer noises too ...
Sam, thanks for your epic tabs! 7/10 already :) ......Blood Eagle is probably the most difficult to play for me, it is really fast :/

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