Decent VST Synths?

Donkey Fly

Loves The Cookie!
Dec 22, 2007

I've been wanting a good Synth VST for a long while - Children Of Bdom-esk - but i can't find any that are free anyway.

Can anyone reccomend me one?
Ok, i tried them synth but couldn't seem to get the sound i want.

I was a sound like -

That intro sound.

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You mean the intro sound?
That's going to have more to do with how you dial the sound in than the synth you use.
It can be easily done with a ton of synths out there. Try Superwave Performer. Crystal and Rumpelrausch Taips Crazy Diamonds are perfect for that too.
It's a modified patch on a Roland JV2080, called "Staccato Heaven." It's made up of a 4 separate waveforms - a twinkly bell pitched up an octave, a lowpassed steel drum sound, a metallic whistle sound, and a warm pad. Mix to taste.
I have a JV2080, and I just went through it, listening for familiar patches. A lot of Janne's keyboard sounds on that album are pretty much unmodified, factory presets - except for the lead sound, which was made by Jens Johansson (YJM,Stratovarius).
et voila! Confirmed, Ben is right. It's kinda hard to get the same versatility old-fashioned modules like the JV serie have on VST instruments..there is that "something something" somewhere..but it gets boring to search among billions of super-modulated crazy digital sounds..when all you want is a sound that just works.

Crazily enough, some samples inside Logic EXS instruments sound kinda appropriate for the old-school "lemme play!!!!" approach. Reason's got chops as well in a very simple package. maybe Spectrasonics Atmosphere? But you're going to get into a shitload of patches and Megabytes that just makes it sloppy.

Maybe those "general" sample collections like the ones made by PlugSound can work..still no way to match the brick-like contents of a real expander. JV-1080, JD-990 even the TOTALLY underrated S2R by GEM works great...and they're getting SO cheap.