Decibel 2000


Beseech Fan
Dec 9, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
So the second time Beseech invade this festival this time playing between Cans (Hammerfals Singer Joacim Cans side project) and Dark Tranquilaty.

Not the easyest acts to keep up with but the Beseechers whent up and give us a greate consert showing they might not been around the world a few time over yet but that dont mean they dont have what it takes. :rock:

We all was abit cold in the begining beeing about 10 degrees and a cold wind from the side that what you get. But after a few songs we was all warmed up and rocking. :hotjump:

Was a nice mix of songs aswell Forever Falling Lotta threw Erik of the stage for a few mins then we also got to hear Manmade Dreams and also the song that would never seem to begin Bitch. ;)

Have to say its always something before the Beseech conserts you think of this time another one was at the hospital a few hours before the gig couse something just didnt feel right but when they was up there nothing we ever noticed.

So again hats off and thanks again Beseech I sure had a really good time! :worship:
enigma73 said:
Any chance yo remember the whole set and could give us a list?

Think it was...

1. Fiction City
2. Souls Highway
3. Manmade Dreams
4. Friend Emptiness
5. Drama
7. Between the lines
8. Forever Falling
9. Higher level
10. Bitch
Clairejamin said:
Hey, is there any chance I could use your review and setlist on my site?? I'm trying to put together a sort of gig history on there and that would be really helpful to me!
My review, yes! I would like my name to be stated as author of it thow. :loco:

Setlist well that would be up to hein. :err:
hein666hein said:
Think it was...

1. Fiction City
2. Souls Highway
3. Manmade Dreams
4. Friend Emptiness
5. Drama
7. Between the lines
8. Forever Falling
9. Higher level
10. Bitch
If i dont remember it totally wrong.
Before they where about to play Bitch, many fans shouted "Bitch, bitch"
Then Erik changed, and wanted to play "Voices" before "Bitch".
Because of this, Beseech ran out of time.
And we didnt get to hear "Gimme, gimme, gimme". A song they usually finish with.
I still have memories of last year concert at Decibel 2000, when they "Gimme, gimme, gimme" heavier then ever.
Hi there everyone

You're more than welcome to check out the full gigreport from the 2000 Decibel Festival at the Beseech fanclub site. Read all about it and check out photos and videoclips. The sound on the videoclips might not be that good but they were recorded on my usual camera so....but anyway.
The report is a bit later than usual due to the massive cold I brought home from the festival, but now is't done, so please pay us a visit.

Take care, hope to see you in gothenburg on june 4:th.
