Decibel 2000


Beseech Fan
Dec 9, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
This was a rather chilly day with some cold winds and of the 3 stages there Beseech got the smalest one they had on this festival.

Well they started out with Manmade Dreams and got the crowd going and then they just keept on rocking. Was a really fun consert since for the first time that Ive ever seen Beseech live that someone else but me and my friend that knew the lines I stoped singing just to hear that there was more then us that was singing in the crowd fun to be amung so many other Beseech fans.

Then when Lotta anounced that they was gonna play there last song they got meet by a large sigh from the crow couse we all wanted more, to make it up to us they signed off with Between the lines giving us about 150% just awsome.

Of the 5 bands that played in the smalest stage in a tent.
Beseech was the only one that showed they need a bigger tent next time couse all of us that wanted to listen didnt fit in there some had to be on the outside.

Thumbs up for Beseech this evening. They made it a show to remember. !:notworthy

Things that i will record in my brain-drive

* an extra heavy version of "Gimme gimme gimme" !:rock:
* lots of people singing along !:yow:
* The new song "Souls Departed (unnamed according to Eric)" :muahaha: this was the second time i heard it and it is sticking in my drunken mind.
* Beseech t-shirt 80SEK :Spin:

"Vi ska till Bengtsfors, vi ska till Bengtsfors" sing-a-long

Vill man ha Våffel-special för man visst åka till Mellerud :mad:
This was the first time I heard of Beseech. Me and a friend saw the poster on a tree, and we thought that it could be nice to listen to them, so we went to the tent, and they totally blew me away. The first day I was home did I order Souls Highway.

When I heard that they where supposed to play just 50 km away from my home yesterday (in Hjo), I skipped a free concert in Gothenburg with Bruce Springsteen just to see Beseech :) Too bad that it wasn't so much people there to listen to them :(
You whent to see em at Hjo?!?

We decided to skip that one we spent most weekend trying to recover from Midsommarafton. :loco:

How was it did they rock even better this time did they get to play Endless Waters?

Tell us, please! sure would be awesome.
It was a longtime since i heard Beseech do a long good set.
Hopefully when next album comes out they gives us that long show.
Only problem is that by then they will have 4 albums to pick songs from, and we wanna hear èm all.