Decibel Magazine's top 40 Extreme Albums of 2012

Balls McHoolihan

You mean coitus?
Jan 22, 2012
What are your takes on this list? Agree? Disagree? Fuckin' bullshit? Discuss...

#40 Gojira- L'Enfant Savage
#39 Meshuggah- Koloss
#38 Agalloch- Faustian Echoes EP
#37 The Shrine- Primitive Blast
#36 Incantation- Vanquish in Vengeance
#35 Samothrace- Reverence to Stone
#34 Devin Townsend Project- Epicloud
#33 Panopticon- Kentucky
#32 Saint Vitus- Lillie: F-65
#31 Mutilation Rites- Empyrean
#30 Author & Punisher- Ursus Americanus
#29 A Life Once Lost- Ecstatic Trance
#28 Asphyx- Deathhammer
#27 Farso- Insects
#26 Gaza- No Absolutes in Human Suffering
#25 Inverloch- Dusk|Subside
#24 Swans- The Seer
#23 Horrendous- The Chills
#22 Killing Joke- MMXII
#21 Early Graves- Red Horse
#20 Liberteer- Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees
#19 High on Fire- De Vermis Mysteriis
#18 Napalm Death- Utilitarian
#17 Torch- Harmonicraft
#16 Grave- Endless Procession of Souls
#15 Satan's Wrath- Galloping Blasphemy
#14 Testament- Dark Roots of Earth
#13 Cattle Decapitation- Monolith of Inhumanity
#12 Blut Aus Nord- 777: Cosmosophy
#11 Municipal Waste- The Fatal Feast
#10 Pig Destroyer- Book Burner
#9 Paradise Lost- Tragic Idol
#8 Royal Thunder- CVI
#7 Enslaved- Riitiir
#6 Neurosis- Honor Found in Decay
#5 Pallbearer- Sorrow and Extinction
#4 Witchcraft- Legend
#3 Evoken- Atra Mors
#2 Baroness- Yellow & Green
#1 Converge- All We Love We Leave Behind
No list is ever gonna be perfect. I don't agree with a lot of it, but... it's really not a bad list. I see Gaza got some love, so I got no complaints.
2 and 4 arent metal at all and Panopticon is one of the worst things Ive ever heard... but other than that... for a magazine list, it could be a lot worse.

Although it bugs me Torture wasnt included... feel like it was better than a minimum of 30 of those albums.
Decibel is actually a pretty fucking solid metal mag ... but they somehow find a way to fuck up almost every list they've ever made.

... i do love their flexi discs though.:)

edit: i can nitpick on a bunch of shit on this list, but Municipal Waste at fuckin 10? wow.
2 and 4 arent metal at all and Panopticon is one of the worst things Ive ever heard... but other than that... for a magazine list, it could be a lot worse.

Although it bugs me Torture wasnt included... feel like it was better than a minimum of 30 of those albums.

Well, it's more of an "extreme music" list. They even mention that they are aware that all bands listed aren't metal. I know of a few albums that could go on the list, but aren't there.

Decibel is actually a pretty fucking solid metal mag ... but they somehow find a way to fuck up almost every list they've ever made.

... i do love their flexi discs though.:)

edit: i can nitpick on a bunch of shit on this list, but Municipal Waste at fuckin 10? wow.

It's really the only one I'll get. I remember the days of getting Revolver......holy fuck, that magazine went to shit. All they ever cover now is pussy shit.
You can't expect the entire list to be "trve", guys. Simple reason is... not everyone thinks that shit is the best. And it's not just a matter of "they haven't heard real metal yet". A significant number of people, if you played them Opeth and then played Dordeduh they'd tell you the former is the shit and the latter should go in the garbage.

So a list like this just plain ain't gonna make the "extreme" dudes happy because the majority of people don't like that the best. If anything, for a list being put out by an actual cot-damn magazine, this has some damn good picks on it. Yeah, I think Baroness is the most overrated band of the post-Mastodon era and I really wish I understood why everyone is sucking Pallbearer's dick, but c'mon. Did you really expect everything to be Dodecahedron and Satanic Bloodspraying?
I don't agree with the majority of it, but how often does anyone with an actual opinion agree fully with any top 'x' lists? It's hardly a bad list.