What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Do it while you can, right now will likely be the easiest time of your life to do so. I had planned on heading back to grad school a year after getting my B.A., and I even partially applied at one point, but I'm pretty stuck on not having to worry with anything outside of the 8 to 5 bullshit. I still have plenty of time to return to school, my only problem now is the drive to do so. I'm pretty content coming home every day from work and reading what I want, when I want, or nothing at all even.Russell said:So, basically I just wanted to sound out a few things - to everyone, does anyone have any thoughts on whether I should do further study and avoid the real world for a little longer?

Anyone going for their PhD in hopes to further their career, monetarily speaking, has completely missed the point. I mean I think people that go for a Bachelors with dollar signs in their eyes are foolish enough, but to go as far as a PhD you have to truly be infatuated (on a possible unhealthy level even) with your specific field. It's all about the quest for knowledge at that point, and of course to be able to sign your monthly mortgage check as Dr. Hans Moleman. :Spin:dorian gray said:Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I once read that getting a PhD actually costs more in getting it than it does in paying you back over the course of your lifetime as a holder of said PhD. Of course, I'm sure that's not true of all fields.
Russell said:Plus I expect either Nathan or NAD to post pictures of some boobies.

There, a taste of home in case you move far away.