Dee Snider

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
now if i just can meet Lemmy among other heroes of mine lol .. damnit it why couldnt i get the autograph.. would of been my "biggest" autograph...

a) I doubt Lemmy will buy a ring for a wife...of his own :p

b) Think positively, many of us don't even have any autograph or had meet any of our heroes. Moreover had an autograph or a pic in a gig is cool undoubtedly, but a memory like yours is one in a lifetime. We take for granted how cool musicians look/act on stage but to see them on everyday ordinary circumstances make them human and we an relate more to that, isn't it? ;)

NP: Renacer - 'Entre La Gloria Y La Traición'
Lemmy & Maiden were both getting fitted out by a particular store in the UK but the name escapes me presently...:erk:
When I was in my early 20's I collected all kinds of autographs, but I soon learned that pieces of paper get lost, I felt like a dork asking for the autograph, and the memories/stories of hanging out with bands was worth more than anything anyone could ever scribble on anything. Speaking of which...someday ask me about Scatterbrain and the 'dancer' in the hotel room. But that should be a whole 'nother post. :D

Dee would be a cool person to meet.
Do tell the Scatterbrain story... loved that band back in the day... the guitarist... Paul Neider used to teach guitar here in Bellmore... as did Al Pitrelli who used to be in Alice Cooper...