deep inside of nowhere


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
we're now in cyprus where we played the last gig for now last night. the evening which was supposed to be an innocent quiet acoustic evening full of feelings and emotions in an underground meffy pub has been turned into an evil metal stadium festival with kids headbanging and jumping around and people trying to be somebody on stage. tho i had a couple of good chats there. this lad came to us asking me if i was lecter. we asked him if i look like him, and he said no and looked down at the ground. then after the gig that girl came up saying shes got a question to ask. she asked me if i was an ex member from oasis. i thought she was taking the piss of my sidies or glasses or both, so i laughed and asked her if shes was joking. and she pulled a dead sad face and looked at the ground :erk:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
the evening which was supposed to be an innocent quiet acoustic evening full of feelings and emotions in an underground meffy pub has been turned into an evil metal stadium festival with kids headbanging and jumping around and people trying to be somebody on stage.

:OMG: during the 'Timatter gig ???
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
aye. headbanging on the last laugh. cyprus is doing me head in :ill:

I don't want to sound discriminating but I guess them poor kids don't often see international bands over there. They must have been stuck with the image of pre-Eternity Anathema and that ... But anyway, I need the passwords for the cover thingie lad. Our lame medley is about to be finished :D
cedarbreed said:
I don't want to sound discriminating but I guess them poor kids don't often see international bands over there. They must have been stuck with the image of pre-Eternity Anathema and that ...

bah i dont blame the kids for headbanging really, but i do blame the organisers for turning the evening into a metal festival.
cedarbreed said:
I don't want to sound discriminating but I guess them poor kids don't often see international bands over there. They must have been stuck with the image of pre-Eternity Anathema and that ... is about:D

erm look.i really doooooooooont think that they are very poor guys them.and yes you sounded a lot of discriminating:loco:just because you cold people cant move your arses,doesnt mean that other people are poor and third world like:lol: babies either you like it or not e have the mediterranean tamperament *ignorant grin* :lol: no hard feelings cedar;)no nasty implications there.
Hehe you totally misunderstood me Sophia. I meant 'poor' because they don't often have big metal fests or international bands etc ... Not 'poor' because they lack money.
Though sometimes I feel like everything 3 steps away from me house is third world :cry:
Glad to see a place where the metal scene is developping instead of regressing :) ( sorry for the Antimatter gig though ) .

Hey Powerslave, is the metal scene in Cyprus big ? Could you recommend me some local bands ?
cedarbreed said:
Hehe you totally misunderstood me Sophia. I meant 'poor' because they don't often have big metal fests or international bands etc ... Not 'poor' because they lack money.
Though sometimes I feel like everything 3 steps away from me house is third world :cry:

:)yeah.i didnt mean poor from the aspect of money so much either.just because the promoters here seem to be despicable,we and cyprus are not able to see many bands.but the enthusiasm is the same,even in concerts that we almost see every year e.g iron maiden.its not because of "desperation" its about spirit i think:Spin:

and about the third world thing,maybe you should set it otherwise.yes,sometimes,everything beyond that (supposed)safety of our very home,seems like a jungle.and it is :(
somnium_in_tenebris said:
:)yeah.i didnt mean poor from the aspect of money so much either.just because the promoters here seem to be despicable,we and cyprus are not able to see many bands.but the enthusiasm is the same,even in concerts that we almost see every year e.g iron maiden.its not because of "desperation" its about spirit i think:Spin:

and about the third world thing,maybe you should set it otherwise.yes,sometimes,everything beyond that (supposed)safety of our very home,seems like a jungle.and it is :(

Yeah hehe, that's exactly what i meant by using this third world metaphore. Everytime I step out of my home i feel like in enemy territory.
The surroundings have become really hostile recently, cobras, trapdoor spiders etc ... ;)

Concerning the metal scene in Southern Europe, I'm really surprised to learn you don't often have big bands in Greece neither. I mean the Greek audience has always had a strong reputation of being one of the most fervent.
Here we can call ourselves lucky people I think. Everytime a band is on tour in Europe, they do at least one gig in Paris, and often many other dates in other towns.
Hey i am back.... Just one thing that you all should know about greek gigs is that there will always be a warm welcome .... and an even wamer headbang.... :hotjump: But when you are listening to something accoustic i wouldn't like headbanging....

Hi there Mehdi ...... Jim Here.........
Powerslave said:
Maybe you should complain to the organisers so that this doesn't happen again... if you even want to play here again, and I wouldn't blame you if you don't, it's just sad for us Antimatter fans who may not get the chance to see your show as it is meant to be seen.

right, them organisers have seen me message on this forum and we talked about it. as i told them, i am very conscious of all the efforts + money + time + energy put into the event and im grateful for this. we've been well treated and that, and everything was okay really except....the gig. ive been trying to explain for ages how shit it was to be the weirdos of the evening but none would get my point even if its dead dead obvious like. if there wasnt a couple of people from the audience coming to us afterwards telling us how sorry they felt for us, then i would have got paranoid. we've been really well treated, posh hotel, posh food, etc. but as i said before, i do blame the organisers for turning it into a rock metal festival, its dead dead obvious really.