Now its time for something completely different


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
we have this bird shes an African Grey and she can talk well a few weeks ago she said Fuck and well I knew that if anybody else heard her say that I was gonna totally get the blame So I taught her to say Heavy Metal Now she says it all the time its insane :p
that's hilarious, Jd! Freakin' hilarious. We used to have a parakeet, which didn't talk, of course, but it was amazing to see how "tame" the bird got. We would let it out of its cage and it would fly over to you and sit on you, try to get your food, etc. But it really LOVED the guitar. If I would get my acoustic out and just strum some chords or play some songs this bird would sit on top of the cage and "headbang" and just sing up a storm! Crazy.
I had a conure that talked a little, but imitated noises a lot. Her favorite was to imitate our neighbors Harley driving by every morning. Her other favorite was to mock me when I would yell at our boxer puppy..."Roxy, get in the fuckin house!!" It was slightly garbled, but it made me laugh as lot.
JonnyD said:
we have this bird shes an African Grey and she can talk well a few weeks ago she said Fuck and well I knew that if anybody else heard her say that I was gonna totally get the blame So I taught her to say Heavy Metal Now she says it all the time its insane :p

That's great!!!! :lol:

You should tape it and use it as an intro to a song
.... "brwak..fuck...bwrak...heavy metal....brwak". :lol:
tedvanfrehley said:
that's hilarious, Jd! Freakin' hilarious. We used to have a parakeet, which didn't talk, of course, but it was amazing to see how "tame" the bird got. We would let it out of its cage and it would fly over to you and sit on you, try to get your food, etc. But it really LOVED the guitar. If I would get my acoustic out and just strum some chords or play some songs this bird would sit on top of the cage and "headbang" and just sing up a storm! Crazy.

lol we have one that digs Hammerfall :p
ramses said:
I had a conure that talked a little, but imitated noises a lot. Her favorite was to imitate our neighbors Harley driving by every morning. Her other favorite was to mock me when I would yell at our boxer puppy..."Roxy, get in the fuckin house!!" It was slightly garbled, but it made me laugh as lot.

hahahahhaha dude I would be rolling on the fukin floor lauging over that :D
AngelWitch73 said:
A bird saying Heavy Metal. That´s cool !

I know words cant describe how completely totally excellent that is she sometimes says it really fast over and over and then sometimes she will do it really slow heeeeaaavvvyyy meeeeetaaaalllll lol its something else