Defleshed - Reclaim The Beat
Regain Records - RR051 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse
Defleshed are being referred to in some quarters as the AC/DC of death/thrash metal - once you've heard one, you've pretty much heard 'em all. But then again, when did you ever hear a bad AC/DC album? Reclaim The Beat continues in the vein of the last record Royal Straight Flesh - catchy, intense, breakneck-speed riffage from Lars Lofven, propelled at ridiculous velocities by Dark Funeral skinsman Mathias Modin and pinned down by bassist Gustaf Jorde, who also lays down the growling, harsh vocals on the tracks. Imagine Dismember with a cleaner production and really letting their Slayer influences out of the bag, and throw some hook-happy riffcraft into the mix, and there you have it.
The pace rarely drops below lightning speed, and throughout the 12 tracks, riffs are peeled off with clinical precision - 'Red Hot' is perhaps the most deliriously infectious Defleshed song ever, with a somewhat rock 'n' roll feel to its hypercharged groove and cool lead work near the end. The production (courtesy of Sweden's producer du jour, Daniel Bergstrand) is clear, cutting and precise, with a ripping guitar tone and excellent separation between the instruments. Other than that, its business as usual in the world of Defleshed.
Basically, if you've heard any of the band's previous six releases, you probably already know whether you want to pick this up. Its admirable consistency and well-crafted riffage are always satisfying, if somewhat undemanding. Personally, a few more lead guitar parts would aid variation and make my ears prick up a bit more, but Defleshed are quite clearly content to keep following their path.
Defleshed Official Website
Regain Records Website
Regain Records - RR051 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse

Defleshed are being referred to in some quarters as the AC/DC of death/thrash metal - once you've heard one, you've pretty much heard 'em all. But then again, when did you ever hear a bad AC/DC album? Reclaim The Beat continues in the vein of the last record Royal Straight Flesh - catchy, intense, breakneck-speed riffage from Lars Lofven, propelled at ridiculous velocities by Dark Funeral skinsman Mathias Modin and pinned down by bassist Gustaf Jorde, who also lays down the growling, harsh vocals on the tracks. Imagine Dismember with a cleaner production and really letting their Slayer influences out of the bag, and throw some hook-happy riffcraft into the mix, and there you have it.
The pace rarely drops below lightning speed, and throughout the 12 tracks, riffs are peeled off with clinical precision - 'Red Hot' is perhaps the most deliriously infectious Defleshed song ever, with a somewhat rock 'n' roll feel to its hypercharged groove and cool lead work near the end. The production (courtesy of Sweden's producer du jour, Daniel Bergstrand) is clear, cutting and precise, with a ripping guitar tone and excellent separation between the instruments. Other than that, its business as usual in the world of Defleshed.
Basically, if you've heard any of the band's previous six releases, you probably already know whether you want to pick this up. Its admirable consistency and well-crafted riffage are always satisfying, if somewhat undemanding. Personally, a few more lead guitar parts would aid variation and make my ears prick up a bit more, but Defleshed are quite clearly content to keep following their path.
Defleshed Official Website
Regain Records Website