Defleshed...thrash from Sweden

Steiner said:
I've just never felt Godsmack were much more than "mallcore". Maybe I'll give it a listen.

You can download it for free like I did. It's on kazaa and stuff.

I don't know what mallcore is. There are too many labels out there for my
taste. Most things are either "Metal", "Rock" or "Suck"

All I know about Godsmack is that they have riffs and it's raw and the hooks
aren't too catchy and the melody isn't too melodic and they DONT pretend they
are black ghetto gangsters doing it all for the nookie.
Royal Straight Flesh -- the second half of this CD is great, I still don't care much for the drumming, but overall it works for me.

Of the three I got from this thread, I really like Impious - The Killer. This one is BAD!! The Within Y will take some more listens, but overall still pretty cool.

Mallcore -- metal you could find in a store in a mall, usually the trendy, downtuned hardcore shit. I can go into a Virgin Megastore for two hours and not find a single decent metal CD -- if I do, it's more hard rock and I already have it...
Insania said:
Royal Straight Flesh -- the second half of this CD is great, I still don't care much for the drumming, but overall it works for me.

Of the three I got from this thread, I really like Impious - The Killer. This one is BAD!! The Within Y will take some more listens, but overall still pretty cool.

Mallcore -- metal you could find in a store in a mall, usually the trendy, downtuned hardcore shit. I can go into a Virgin Megastore for two hours and not find a single decent metal CD -- if I do, it's more hard rock and I already have it...
I give the Within Y release a 7/10. I downloaded it while I await the CD version and was reasonably impressed. It's definately a step forward from their demo, but the vocals are very weak IMO. All in all a very good, but not great album. If I sound dissapointed, I'm not. It's just that I heard from some Mors Principium Est fans that if you like MPE then the Within Y release will blow you away. To me, Within Y has a way to go before they can compete with MPE's polished, technical, melodic sound.