Deftones-ish sound with impulses


May 16, 2010

I'm new here and these forums seem awesome so I thought I'd join up to gather and share cool info on recording and stuff.
I'm currently in the process of experimenting with my new Marshall JMP1 pre-amp and recording it directly into my DAW where I apply impulses.
I must say, this amp really does it for me,
I've been a fan of the deftones' guitar sound for ever and now that I have the JMP1 and some awesome impulses I've never been closer.
I own most of the bigbox REDWIREZ impulses and all of the RECABINET ones.
I also have gathered a lot of free ones on the web.
Not that I want to copy his sound and everything,
but there is something really cool about his sound but it's hard to put into words.
On most of their stuff there seems to be some kind of speaker phase/squash going on, almost like there is something out of phase or channel delay or something.
And I've tried most of those things on my impulses but it always seems to result in a sound that is way too phased out.
So my question is,
how would I be able to get this effect with maybe my red wirez impulses (Marshall 1960B t75's for example of the Uberkab impulses for RW)?
Are there maybe some 'magic' mic combinations that really work well for this?
Some of the ambient mic impulses do give this effect but when I blend them in with the other mics it does sound different and there seems to be an overflow of low-mid frequencies.
If it would help I could post a stereo track with my JMP1 recorded dry...
Try and look into other impulses, not necessarily ones of cabs Stephen uses. Maybe other impulse that isn't from a Marshall cab at all might get you the sound you are looking for, you know? Also afaik Stephen doesn't have the T75's in has cab anyway.
1 - 24bit 44.1khz mono wavs for DI-tracks, because a) stereo doubles the filesize b) 16bit brings up the noisefloor c) mp3 decreases the quality of the files
2 - use dropbox because nobody here likes mediafire, rapidshare, megaupload and other things like that.
3 - Recabinet Modern 2.01 Ghandi 4x12 6L6 57 cap/edge grill sound pretty nice
yeah I have a couple of baritone's, 7's and 8's,
but I'm really talking about the kind of resonance in his speaker sound...
Sorry about the low bitrate, but it's just for trying out on some impulses.
the resonance in his sound is more of a room mode im hearing (if were talking diamond eyes?)

i tried a small room reverb on my axe with 75 speakers combined, got me almost 80 % there.
with the right voxengo curve eq (taken from the beginning of rocket skates) + axe fx jmp preamp got me reeealy close.

maybe try that out. i think the redwirez bogner v30 c75 are great for his soudn, also try the room mics with this. awesome !!!
I know this is an older thread but I'm trying to figure out a good redwirez recipe to get that hollowed out sound from diamond eyes. I've gotten close, but It's not quite there yet.
Anyone have any good mix recipes for that kind of sound?
One thing I used to do when I used to mic a cab was have one mic on the front and one mic on the rear of the cab and flip the phase of the rear mic, that totally gave that hollowed out kind of sound, but all of the redwirez impulses are in phase with eachother so I don't really see how it can be done with those.
varied amp heads and cabinets alongside assorted mic combinations

but essentially:

- esp stef-b8
- marshall JMP-1 preamp
- neumann u47 alongside a shure sm7 (miking cabs)

raskulinecz expresses his love for dbx160 compressors and neve preamps... everything on diamonds eyes was tracked with either neve 8078 pres on the board or 1073's for the guitars. ssl (g series) and renaissance eq's were used on practically everything as well.

not many of the songs were done identically, however most of the drums were bookmarked and tracked the same.

source: riff by riff

***also, a friend of mine was working at paramount (in LA) when this was being mixed.

hope this helps, some! ;)
Thanks for the info!
I guess it's the stuff beyond the jmp1/t-75 that's a mystery to me.
I'll have to keep experimenting I guess.