Deicide cancel European Tour on it's Eve.


May 26, 2002
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Though I thankfully hate the band, some of you maybe interested in this.

Those fat, goat-sucking gimps demanded to be brought back to the airport yesterday so they could fly home, after staying in London to prepare for their European tour (which started that night). One of their biggest reasons for cancelling? The tour bus didn't have air conditioning.
I found this out by talking to the local promoter.

The "official" statement can be found on the Earache site.
LordFireworm said:
ONE of their biggest reasons for cancelling?The tour bus didn't have air conditioning.
Also, their European agency (Metalysee) has refused point blank to ever work with them again. You think they'd take this stance if there was valid reasoning?
I work with the label and I know the reasoning. Deicide had good enough reasons to quit, though Metalysee should have been given the chance to sort the problems out rather than the band just flying home without even discussing it.
Deicide is horrible. Check out this actual fucking excerpt from an interview I read in a magazine I have:

Getting an inverted cross burned in your head is pretty extreme. Did you ever regret it?

Glen: I tell you, the only time I ever regretted it was with my kids. Like when my kids asked me what it was. I mean, how do you explain that? That was really the only time.

How do you EXPLAIN THAT? Are you fucking SERIOUS? He can't even back up his so-called beliefs. He probably wants to raise his kids as Christians.
Yes! Thank you. I wanted to paste that from another board (MetalIreland) but everytime I tried, the fucking browser said something about Mozilla not being enabled.
Sorry to use a tired phrase, but it's relevant in this case, if the promoters are to be believed; "Sellouts".
Oh well. If they don't tour they don't tour. Find other bands to see. Europe has better shows then US usually does anyways...the more "kvlt" european bands can't come overseas at all. Just the bigger ones and american bands. :erk:
I'm not so much pissed off that Deicide themselves cancelled, more pissed off at the fact that due to Deicide cancelling, I wont get to see Akercocke.

Deicide have always been, and always will be, tits. This doesn't surprise me at all.

But I do like Scars Of The Crucifix and Deicide aren't the first band to be made up of complete dicks.