DEICIDE cancel "Scars Of The Crucifix" tour

I have never seen Deicide live but i have a bootleg video and they are just horrible in it. just terrible.
Deicide have re-scheduled dates for the UK at the start of December, after they fucked off last time.

Not exactly holding my breath for them to even turn up this time :rolleyes:
who cares?the leader of deicide does not care for the's not the band fault that the guy is a prick.he only cares for the money and not for any one two cents
I heard Brian wasn't going to be there when they do play. Anyone know anything about it?

I saw Akercocke with Mortician last week and they put on a great show. The Voc's weren't exactly my taste, but they played a great set and hung out in the crowd after the show. Seemed like cool guys.

Sucks about Deicide. I wanted to see them at least once.


\De"i*cide\, n. [L. deicida a deicide (in sense 2); deus god + c[ae]dere to cut, kill: cf. F. d['e]icide.] 1. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the putting to death of Jesus Christ. [R.]

Earth profaned, yet blessed, with deicide. --Prior.

2. One concerned in putting Christ to death.
And one more thing, maybe it all was from Glen Benton himself. After all he was supposed to kill himself at the age of 33, that was many many years ago. Dunno if he's just some clown, just look at the website. If nothng, they have stayed true to their belief and music. And that is good.
Glen always blamed the Hoffmans for canceling gigs when they were in the band. Well we all know Glen wouldn't blame it on himself for this fuck up.