Deicide on the Discovery Channel?!?!?


Jan 23, 2005
I was watching the Discovery Channel and a "Death Metal" documentary popped up!!! I wouldn't really say its a documentary on the music..even though title the show was called "Death Metal Music"...fuck...the entire show was based on murders done in foreign countries.I laughed my ass off when they mentioned SLAYER as a Death Metal band.Their more of a thrash metal band with with dark lyrics than a Death Metal band imo but I thought it was really cool that they had Deicide on there.Cannibal Corpse has Ace Ventura:Pet Detective and now Deicide has the "Death Metal" documentary that's awesome.Hopefully it will drum up more sales for the band!!!The only thing I thought was sorta stupid was the fact that show kept on repeating over and over and over was the fact that Glen Benton was a satanist.Whether or not he is satanist is debatable...but that show was just plain stupid it barely even talked about the music!!!
Was that the one where a kid was murdered in Italy and his father wanted to find out the truth of what happened so he followed some death/black metal bands on tours and stuff? He was a cool guy, fucking shame about his son. :(
That old man saw some badass bands in his search for answers. But the show was ok. Just show how ignorant people are and how quick they are to blame someone else for their short comings as parents. Some people are just messed up. Doesnt mean the music made them do it.
Sack said:
That old man saw some badass bands in his search for answers. But the show was ok. Just show how ignorant people are and how quick they are to blame someone else for their short comings as parents. Some people are just messed up. Doesnt mean the music made them do it.

I don't know if you're talking about the same show I saw, but the old guy in the one I watched was really cool and seemed to get some pleasure out of seeing the bands his son had liked. He wasn't blaming the bands in any way, just trying to understand what motivated his son's killers.
That said, it was a while ago I saw it, maybe my memory is fucked up or it was just a different programme altogether.