Delain's "We Are The Others"

I've always defined Nu metal as, like, Korn and stuff. Disturbed, Slipknot, THOSE bands. So, from my definition of Nu Metal, Delain is most certainly not Nu Metal. Is my definition of Nu Metal wrong? D: Just seems weird to me to call Delain Nu Metal. But perhaps my internal genre dictionary is wrong :p But I do certainly agree that they're very poppy.

Also, the album cover looks very Mucha-inspired :) I love Mucha. And April Rain is one of my guilty pleasures. As a girl, sometimes I feel more in a Delain mood than, say, an Equilibrium mood :p
I've always defined Nu metal as, like, Korn and stuff. Disturbed, Slipknot, THOSE bands. So, from my definition of Nu Metal, Delain is most certainly not Nu Metal. Is my definition of Nu Metal wrong? D: Just seems weird to me to call Delain Nu Metal. But perhaps my internal genre dictionary is wrong :p But I do certainly agree that they're very poppy.

Also, the album cover looks very Mucha-inspired :) I love Mucha. And April Rain is one of my guilty pleasures. As a girl, sometimes I feel more in a Delain mood than, say, an Equilibrium mood :p

No, you're definition is fine, and those bands certainly define the genre Nu Metal, but the underlying stylistic components of Nu Metal I hear in alot of bands that try to tap into a wider more mainstream audience. Primarily, the rhythm based riffs, the chug chug that allows for dancing I guess, the vocal approach that will appeal to fans of pop, mainstream rock and even hip hop with the pop diva style and the almost rap type cadence of the harsh vocals, with the Disturbed, Nickel Back male melodic male vocals. It is a wider blending than most Nu Metal, but I hear all the components, with the addition of a heavily pop wrapping.
I always find it interesting that there are usually more people that just have to tell you what they don't like about a band, or that they have never liked them at all. What is the purpose? Is anything gained from that at all?
So what you're saying is, if you took the time to listen to the video, you should only express an opinion if it's positive? It's a discussion forum, and if the only opinions expressed were those on one side, it wouldn't make for much of a discussion.
This makes my blood boil, makes me absolutely RAGE inside that people are capable of doing this to other people for something as a stupid reason of looking different, or any other reason. It makes me incredibly sad for Sophie and her boyfriend and anyone else who is subject to such a harrowing degree of ignorance. Fuck.

I'll buy the album just based on the reasoning behind the one song. Any band or performer that tries to tackle this issue is worth my money and gratitude.

Fursy, formerly of Alcest and currently in Les Discrets made an animated short film about it.

He is an incredibly talented visual artist.
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So what you're saying is, if you took the time to listen to the video, you should only express an opinion if it's positive? It's a discussion forum, and if the only opinions expressed were those on one side, it wouldn't make for much of a discussion.

You always confirm my appreciation for you Zod. Let us toast the dearly departed Christopher Hitchens together. ;-)
Feb. 14, 2012 - Delain's website

Recently there have been some developments at the guitar department of
Delain. Our band demands a huge amount of time and energy from our
band members. Since our guitar player Timo has a lot of musical
activities besides Delain, we want to give him the time and space to
pursue this as well. Until now that was not possible, but recently we
received a huge reinforcement in the band. Guitarist Bas Maas is
joining in our group to relief Timo for some shows this year. Some of
you may know Bas from Doro or his previous band After Forever. We want
to give Bas a warm welcome in Delain. He will join us at our European
tour, and a couple shows this spring. See you all on the road!

