Delete ezdrummer stock kit?


Bored Member
May 24, 2009
Saint Louis, Mo.
I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of the stock kit in ezdrummer? What I would like to have/do is make the DFH set the default kit and to load automatically upon starting EZD.
Thanks in advance
I don't think that is possible.

Just make a session with EZD loaded and have the DFH kit loaded in there. Save the project as "EZD DFH" and use it as like a default project you always open to start with. Then once you open it each time, do file>save as and give it a new name so the default is still empty and fresh.
i dont see why it really matters, honestly...any time i load an instance of EZD, i just click over to the DKF set before the stock set even loads
strange enough maybe, but I actually dig the stock "Rock" kit in EZdrummer more than DFH

maybe I'm just turning into a pussy or something :p

I don't think so man, the rock kit sounds better, it's not amazing by any means but it's better than DKFH :)
Nashville kit all the way - it's the best all around kit for EZDrummer. Don't let the name fool you - it has more "rock" in it than any of the other EZX packs.