Demo Mix i did for uni

I tried throwin it on sound click but i was basic account so only 128 bit rate so it sucked, u know any sites?, or how do u do that thing where u click on the link and it just gives u option to open with media player
Zombietakeover said:
the drummer is awful
use a drum machine it will come out better
but seriously you cant hear how the drums are way off?

Pete The Elite said:
haha im the drummer...

Man Zombie, I bet you feel like a huge asshole after reading that. :lol::lol::lol:

Pete: Uh...the MySpace player is much worse than the SoundClick one think 128 is bad? Try 96 on the MySpace player.

no not at all......he put his stuff up here to get feedback .....i listened and the drums are crazy sloppy . so i commented.....

i would say keep practicing , map out the drums for now and then when your good enough to lay drums do it.
When i recorded the drums the other guys couldn't make it and studio time is limited and unfortunatly there was no good recording of this song so i just did it off memory. Took a few takes to get it this good lol, this song was a song from my old band i did for fun, my new band hopefully shud be recording again soon and i know drums are fine on those songs, tbh its not drums i want feedback on as i know already there not great, its sound quality id prefer feedback as my previous recordings ppl have sed guitars dnt sound wide enough etc.

Hopefully will be using my electric kit to record next time but i have 0 experience with midi so ill have to learn that.

Oh and when i played back through soundclick it actually sounded worse than the myspace one, but u can download off the myspace so surely, that'll able u guys to hear it in better quality?