Demo Recording/help me =)


Sonata Arctica fan
Sep 25, 2002
Long Island, USA
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As a final project in my music production class this semester, my group has to find a band in the area to record a demo for.

We're all metal-heads, but the only problem is, we're in Annville, Pennsylvania, and we're having a ridiculous amout of trouble finding a band to use. We are banned from using any friends of ours, or anybody we even remotely know, so it's kind of tough.

Ive checked myspce, but havent really been able to find anything or any band that would be willing to work with us. We are recording 3 songs for them for free, but theyd have to be willing to drive to the studio and deal with us on multiple occassions. The demo wont be crazy professional, as we're still in school and still learning, but it'll sound professional enough for a good sounding demo.

Anyway, if anyone knows of any bands in the Annville/Hershey/Lebanon/Lancaster/Harrisburg Pennsulvania area that might work with us, letting me know would be awesome. Thanks in advance :rock: