Demo report- BAnds worth checking out.


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
So hear is a small list of really great stuff. Lots of potential for these select few so check them out.

Terminal Fix- This band has something really cool going on. Pay your respects and buy their fuckin cd rather than down load an mp3. You will be supporting a band that fuckin deserves it. contact them at I liked these guys so much I got them on the March Metal Meltdown. Come support these guys.

Toxic Poison- These guys are fucking heavy. Some nu metal influence but over all a great band worth checking out. They are based out of Italy which is fucking awesome considering they are countrymen of LAcuna Coil. their contact is on their site. Drop them a line tell them you heard from Milano that they kick ass. They do. Oh yeah- buy their cd you cheap bastards it supports our scene.

Bionic- Rocking fucking Roll!!! from Canada eh!! These guys have been putting out some really well written kick ass shit for a fuckin while they not only desevre respect they deserve a record deal. No Bullshit. I don't impress easily, these guys are one of the best live bands I've seen ina long time.
Are these the only bands you liked? Or is there more, but too many to mention?

I sent you that Bloodbeat CD. I was wondering what you thought of it, if you remember it at all.
I don't want to be the one you snap on if this request is getting old or anything, but I sent you in a demo from the band: Hollowpoint
titled:"Barrel Of My Gun" and am just curious to know what you thought of it.

If you're to overwhelmed with requests or discs don't worry about it
I just know you've been in the business for awhile and would like to get
your always honest opinion.


"American Pride Burns Inside!!"
:worship: God Bless America!! :worship:

Buzzard said:
So hear is a small list of really great stuff. Lots of potential for these select few so check them out.

Terminal Fix- This band has something really cool going on. Pay your respects and buy their fuckin cd rather than down load an mp3. You will be supporting a band that fuckin deserves it. contact them at I liked these guys so much I got them on the March Metal Meltdown. Come support these guys.

Toxic Poison- These guys are fucking heavy. Some nu metal influence but over all a great band worth checking out. They are based out of Italy which is fucking awesome considering they are countrymen of LAcuna Coil. their contact is on their site. Drop them a line tell them you heard from Milano that they kick ass. They do. Oh yeah- buy their cd you cheap bastards it supports our scene.

Bionic- Rocking fucking Roll!!! from Canada eh!! These guys have been putting out some really well written kick ass shit for a fuckin while they not only desevre respect they deserve a record deal. No Bullshit. I don't impress easily, these guys are one of the best live bands I've seen ina long time.
Yes I remember your demo, I listened to it a couple of time I recall and thought it was better than average. I also remember that the demo sonically was just ok. This is from memory so forgive me if I seem judgemental. If you think I'm wrong, then send it again and I'll review it. However, I intend on being honest.

As far as the bloodbeat cd. I thought it was mediocre but it was something I would have beeen into when I was young. More hardcore than I expected but then again that's not a bad thing. I just wasn't into it. Sorry Nicole
I really do appreciate it. I hate to sound ignorant but I don't know what
"Sonically" means. The recording was mediocre at best, we did 90% of it
ourselves and had it mastered by a fucking hack!! Though I can't complain
because he was affordable plus I'm very proud of the material itself. The recording lacks professional sound and it's definetly something I wouldn't send to a label. As far as your being judgemental I would never say that because I sent it in knowing how brutally honest you can be.

If you have it kicking around and would give it another listen that would be cool, If not and you don't care if I send it again I might go that route.Or if you've just got too many to deal with just tell me to screw.You've been more
than cool to everyone who's asked for your opinion.



"American Pride Burns Inside!!"
:worship: God Bless America :worship:

Buzzard said:
Yes I remember your demo, I listened to it a couple of time I recall and thought it was better than average. I also remember that the demo sonically was just ok. This is from memory so forgive me if I seem judgemental. If you think I'm wrong, then send it again and I'll review it. However, I intend on being honest.

As far as the bloodbeat cd. I thought it was mediocre but it was something I would have beeen into when I was young. More hardcore than I expected but then again that's not a bad thing. I just wasn't into it. Sorry Nicole
No,sorry man I don't. I parted ways with the people in Hollowpoint last year.
and let the website run out..

You can still see it from an archive site that I'll put the link to below.
Our MP3's and lyric pages still work but they seem to work better late at night
(I think it's because less people are on,or some shit like that)

If you want to give it a look Billy, It wasn't too bad and you can hear the
tunes again.

Don't be sorry Billy, I appreciate more than you know that you took the time to listen instead of using the CD as a coaster or frisbee!

When i heard the bands you picked i knew Bloodbeat didn't stand a chance. I can see by your picks that you are more into metal now then hardcore. And kudos to you for picking some real good metal bands, instead of those who try to pass themselves off as metal (Limp Bizkit comes to mind immediately).

You know the first time i saw Bloodbeat play somewhere i was amazed. Maybe you have to see them play live to know what i mean. Everyone i have passed that CD to loves it, but then again they also like that sort of music. Bloodbeat plays our annual barbeque and even the ppl who don't like that music think they're pretty good too. I was able to get them on some of the radio stations here also.

Billy, if you know anyone who does like punk/hardcore please pass it along to them. Maybe they will take an interest and help me out. We will be finished with their website in a few weeks. I would really like to hook them up with a band like Sick of it All, but have no idea how to go about hooking them up.

Thanks again Billy, i really appreciate it. So does Bloodbeat.

Billy, if you know anyone who does like punk/hardcore please pass it along to them. Maybe they will take an interest and help me out. We will be finished with their website in a few weeks. I would really like to hook them up with a band like Sick of it All, but have no idea how to go about hooking them up.

Thanks again Billy, i really appreciate it. So does Bloodbeat.


Nicole, Here is a guy to contact- Roger Miret from Agnostic Front- there is also a great hardcore label in europe called
IScream records. I think you can find there site on google.
good luck
Buzzard said:
So hear is a small list of really great stuff. Lots of potential for these select few so check them out.

Terminal Fix- This band has something really cool going on. Pay your respects and buy their fuckin cd rather than down load an mp3. You will be supporting a band that fuckin deserves it. contact them at I liked these guys so much I got them on the March Metal Meltdown. Come support these guys.

Toxic Poison- These guys are fucking heavy. Some nu metal influence but over all a great band worth checking out. They are based out of Italy which is fucking awesome considering they are countrymen of LAcuna Coil. their contact is on their site. Drop them a line tell them you heard from Milano that they kick ass. They do. Oh yeah- buy their cd you cheap bastards it supports our scene.

Bionic- Rocking fucking Roll!!! from Canada eh!! These guys have been putting out some really well written kick ass shit for a fuckin while they not only desevre respect they deserve a record deal. No Bullshit. I don't impress easily, these guys are one of the best live bands I've seen ina long time.
So here's a little story. I sat on a producers panel at the maryland music fest about a year and a half ago and these guys gave me their demo.
Green Machine. A pop punk band along the lines of the fiends. Not polished at all and still retains some good old punk style riffs. These guys could go to the next level with some Solid arrangements and better production. However, It is deffinately worth getting or listening too if you're into this kinds stuff.