Demonoid - Riders of the Apocalypse


Dec 9, 2003
Great album, comes out 10/4. Kick ass death thrash from a new side project from members of Therion. This is one of the best things I've heard this year.

I just posted a review on the site I write for--I'll post a link if JayKeeley says its cool. Don't want to spam RC.
Link your site dude! We're only harsh against people that are non-regulars, like making your first post a "COEM LISTUN TO MAH BAND" and then never returning.
The end of the human race never sounded so good.
Haha, nice. Good review!

Also, I like how a perfect album from your site would receive a 666. :Smokedev:
You know, I haven't read your review yet (I will shortly) but I have this promo and I couldn't help but feel that the death vocals could have been balanced out a little with some clean vocals. I haven't given it a full chance yet though, because I know it's got some potential.

Yeah, and absolutely feel free to post links since you're a regular.
I hear what you're saying about the vocals, and I would agree w/ you about a lot of albums, but I really love the flat out ass kicking brutality of this one.
No I agree its very interesting, but there is a heavy heavy Testament influence. Other than that, they are pretty unique in a good way. I can detect Thrash, Melo-death, Black, and Death.
Papa Josh said:
And fuck no, this album doesn't need any damn clean vocals, no sense in making it a gay Gothenburg clone. :Spin:
No, no, not Gothenburg you dirty fokker, I was thinking more along the lines of Edge of Sanity. Less nu-factory produced, and more grandeur.

It's hard to describe: you have this epic music going on, with all these different scales and patterns, and then you get these one-dimensional vocals just falling into the riffs. It just seems lazy to me, I wish bands would pay as much attention to the vocal dept as they do the instrumentation.
JayKeeley said:
No, no, not Gothenburg you dirty fokker, I was thinking more along the lines of Edge of Sanity. Less nu-factory produced, and more grandeur.

It's hard to describe: you have this epic music going on, with all these different scales and patterns, and then you get these one-dimensional vocals just falling into the riffs. It just seems lazy to me, I wish bands would pay as much attention to the vocal dept as they do the instrumentation.
I think he really did pay attention to the vocals in the sense that he hasn't performed these type of vocals in a VERY long time and he focused on achieving that very brutal tone and different rhythm patterns. Lazy? :err: I do hear what you are saying in using EOS as an example... but, I don't think it's broke, no fixing needed. ;)
Papa Josh said:
I think he really did pay attention to the vocals in the sense that he hasn't performed these type of vocals in a VERY long time and he focused on achieving that very brutal tone and different rhythm patterns. Lazy? :err: I do hear what you are saying in using EOS as an example... but, I don't think it's broke, no fixing needed. ;)
I wonder if you appreciate Demonoid more because you're a fan of Therion of old? You know, the only Therion I've ever heard is their latest plus Secret of the Runes (which all honesty, really isn't as bad as some make out). But then, I can't compare to 'old' Therion - for a while I've wanted to check out Theli and Vovin. I have a feeling I'd like the musical balance in those two tell me.
this is a smoking record ... the last track DEATH ... is just ... wow!
but what the hell is this?

If you want to try Therion, get Beyond Sanctorum. It is alot like Demonoid, a epic celtic frost like death metal record without any of the opera or symphonic influence. This is one of those rare moments I agree with the people, Beyond Sanctorum is an amazing album. The rest of Therion is awful- Lepaca Kliffoth is ok, but after that, ahh.

I dont mind the dudes singing either, it would help if he tried a little variation. They need to hire Chuck Billy, he would fir perfectly.
JayKeeley said:
I wonder if you appreciate Demonoid more because you're a fan of Therion of old? You know, the only Therion I've ever heard is their latest plus Secret of the Runes (which all honesty, really isn't as bad as some make out). But then, I can't compare to 'old' Therion - for a while I've wanted to check out Theli and Vovin. I have a feeling I'd like the musical balance in those two tell me.
I'm not a big fan of the first two records. I like all other Therion. Symphony Masses is the oldest one that I enjoy. I think you would like Theli a lot, perhaps Vovin. Deggial is really good as well.
I think Symphony Masses is their best. I also like the first two. I think they are above average death metal that gets overshadowed by inferior material. Lepaca Kliffoth is OK I guess, but you can definitely hear the barf coming out in their music, that would be in full force with Theli.

Theli is listenable, but I could never listen to the entire thing. It's just too overblown, and is one of metal's most overrated releases. Classic? Vovin, Deggial and Secret of the Runes are putrid shit.

Demonoid sounds pretty cool.
J. said:
I think Symphony Masses is their best. I also like the first two. I think they are above average death metal that gets overshadowed by inferior material. Lepaca Kliffoth is OK I guess, but you can definitely hear the barf coming out in their music, that would be in full force with Theli.

Theli is listenable, but I could never listen to the entire thing. It's just too overblown, and is one of metal's most overrated releases. Classic? Vovin, Deggial and Secret of the Runes are putrid shit.

Demonoid sounds pretty cool.
And there you have it, JayKeeley, the exact polar opposite. So, now you have both sides, choose for yourself, and choose wisely. :D
Papa Josh said:
And there you have it, JayKeeley, the exact polar opposite. So, now you have both sides, choose for yourself, and choose wisely. :D
How do either Theli, Vovin, or Deggial compare to Secret of the Runes? If they're identical then I probably wouldn't venture much further, but if you threw in some aggression, death vox, & some eerie darkness, I think it could sound quite cool, like Hollenthon.