Denmark Strikes Again!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Couldn't control myself. Just burst out laughin as soon as I read the first two lines of this BBC article.

Row over Danish cartoon Escalates

In February there were violent Muslim protests around the world
The row over the latest cartoons in Denmark mocking the Prophet Muhammed has sparked international reaction.

I remember those! They were awesome! Like 500 moslems ended dying in riots by moslems in moslem countries!

And a majority of Iranian MPs have urged President Ahmadinejad to suspend relations with Denmark.

Go ahead. Iran doesn't need windmills or fuckin butter cookies!

Iran and Indonesia have both summoned the Danish ambassador to their foreign ministries in protest of the video.

I can imagine the outrage! "By Allah, we swear, thousands of moslems shall be trampled to death as payment for your blasphemies!

Activists from the Danish People's Party were filmed at a summer camp, drinking, singing and taking part in a competition to draw images of Muhammad, including one depicting him as a camel with beer bottles as humps.

Summer camp?? Were these fuckin teenagers or grown ups?

The Danish government, which condemned the drawings, has warned its citizens to expect "negative reactions" abroad and cautioned travel to the Middle East.

No duh. Oh well, ruins are ruins. I'm sure they'll still be ruined once its safe for the tourists to return.

"A militant group in Gaza has made threats against Danes in the Palestinian areas in connection with the [cartoon] matter," the Reuters news agency quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying.

Why would a Dane be dumb enough to be found in the Palestinian areas? Its closer and cheaper to visit the local garbage dump.

The footage is said to have first been posted on the website YouTube, and then later aired on two Danish television channels.

YouTube! Google spent its billions well!

The Foreign Ministry said that the channels had not broadcast excerpts of the video "to provoke Muslims, but to illustrate the matter".

No no. Broadcast! And then, broadcrast the moslem riots and trampled corpses of outraged moslems in moslem countries.

In Iran, 232 MPs have signed a letter to the president complaining about the video.

What happened to the other six? Were they trampled in a riot?

Frances Harrison, the BBC's correspondent in Tehran, said the action will increase the pressure on the Iranian government to do more to show its displeasure.

How about issuing a fatwa against all Danish cartoonists, including 12 year olds at summer camps? Fatwas were good enough to drive that butt-ugly Salman Rushdie out of our view for years!

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already condemned those who insulted the Prophet as "low life" and "devoid of human values".

Hey, he oughtta know.

The Ministry of Islamic Guidance there has also called on the Danish TV channel that broadcast the video to apologise for its action.

Yeah. They shouldn't have invaded the privacy of the average, ordinary Danish summer camp!

Security has also been increased around the Danish embassy in Tehran in preparation for a repeat of the outrage shown in February, when protesters threw stones and petrol bombs and some countries evacuated their staff.

I'd distribute coffins for moslems who are about to be trampled to death by their own rioting people.

On Monday Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen denounced the drawing of the cartoons, in an apparent effort to prevent widespread protests from occurring again.

Too late. Danish youth have already done the drawings! There's nothing left to do except hand out the prizes!

Iran and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said the new cartoons insulted Islam.

They said the new Buick LaCrosse insulted islam. What else is new?

The publication a year ago of newspaper cartoons - one depicting Muhammad with a bomb in his turban - led to violent protests in which more than 50 people died in Muslim countries.

Ah yeah! Something we'll all cherish in our hearts.

Danish Muslim leaders, who last year travelled abroad to rally support for their protests, said they would not be provoked by the latest incident, the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott reported.

Aww! I guess they're too tired to fuss and complain. They ought to hire James Carville and Paul Begala to do the bitchin for em!

Jurched said:
Couldn't control myself. Just burst out laughin as soon as I read the first two lines of this BBC article.

Row over Danish cartoon Escalates

In February there were violent Muslim protests around the world
The row over the latest cartoons in Denmark mocking the Prophet Muhammed has sparked international reaction.

I remember those! They were awesome! Like 500 moslems ended dying in riots by moslems in moslem countries!

And a majority of Iranian MPs have urged President Ahmadinejad to suspend relations with Denmark.

Go ahead. Iran doesn't need windmills or fuckin butter cookies!

Iran and Indonesia have both summoned the Danish ambassador to their foreign ministries in protest of the video.

I can imagine the outrage! "By Allah, we swear, thousands of moslems shall be trampled to death as payment for your blasphemies!

Activists from the Danish People's Party were filmed at a summer camp, drinking, singing and taking part in a competition to draw images of Muhammad, including one depicting him as a camel with beer bottles as humps.

Summer camp?? Were these fuckin teenagers or grown ups?

The Danish government, which condemned the drawings, has warned its citizens to expect "negative reactions" abroad and cautioned travel to the Middle East.

No duh. Oh well, ruins are ruins. I'm sure they'll still be ruined once its safe for the tourists to return.

"A militant group in Gaza has made threats against Danes in the Palestinian areas in connection with the [cartoon] matter," the Reuters news agency quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying.

Why would a Dane be dumb enough to be found in the Palestinian areas? Its closer and cheaper to visit the local garbage dump.

The footage is said to have first been posted on the website YouTube, and then later aired on two Danish television channels.

YouTube! Google spent its billions well!

The Foreign Ministry said that the channels had not broadcast excerpts of the video "to provoke Muslims, but to illustrate the matter".

No no. Broadcast! And then, broadcrast the moslem riots and trampled corpses of outraged moslems in moslem countries.

In Iran, 232 MPs have signed a letter to the president complaining about the video.

What happened to the other six? Were they trampled in a riot?

Frances Harrison, the BBC's correspondent in Tehran, said the action will increase the pressure on the Iranian government to do more to show its displeasure.

How about issuing a fatwa against all Danish cartoonists, including 12 year olds at summer camps? Fatwas were good enough to drive that butt-ugly Salman Rushdie out of our view for years!

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already condemned those who insulted the Prophet as "low life" and "devoid of human values".

Hey, he oughtta know.

The Ministry of Islamic Guidance there has also called on the Danish TV channel that broadcast the video to apologise for its action.

Yeah. They shouldn't have invaded the privacy of the average, ordinary Danish summer camp!

Security has also been increased around the Danish embassy in Tehran in preparation for a repeat of the outrage shown in February, when protesters threw stones and petrol bombs and some countries evacuated their staff.

I'd distribute coffins for moslems who are about to be trampled to death by their own rioting people.

On Monday Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen denounced the drawing of the cartoons, in an apparent effort to prevent widespread protests from occurring again.

Too late. Danish youth have already done the drawings! There's nothing left to do except hand out the prizes!

Iran and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said the new cartoons insulted Islam.

They said the new Buick LaCrosse insulted islam. What else is new?

The publication a year ago of newspaper cartoons - one depicting Muhammad with a bomb in his turban - led to violent protests in which more than 50 people died in Muslim countries.

Ah yeah! Something we'll all cherish in our hearts.

Danish Muslim leaders, who last year travelled abroad to rally support for their protests, said they would not be provoked by the latest incident, the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott reported.

Aww! I guess they're too tired to fuss and complain. They ought to hire James Carville and Paul Begala to do the bitchin for em!


just so you dont forget... i love you, Jurched!
I love Iran. I love all the politicians in this world. All pussies and full of shit. Every day I see politicians angry, from the US, to Iran, to VenezImnotgonnabuyyourgasanymoreUela, i think back to Team America. Where the guy says to the short round zipperhead in Nkorea "We are very angry. We are going to write a letter saying how angry we are and SEND IT TO YOU!!"
Evil Dead said:
I love Iran. I love all the politicians in this world. All pussies and full of shit. Every day I see politicians angry, from the US, to Iran, to VenezImnotgonnabuyyourgasanymoreUela, i think back to Team America. Where the guy says to the short round zipperhead in Nkorea "We are very angry. We are going to write a letter saying how angry we are and SEND IT TO YOU!!"

This is just what I thought when when the White House issued our terrifying "provocative act" comment about the Korean nuke test. Ohhh...we told them - a provocative act! By god, 'ol Kim Jung Il must have been quaking in his tiny boots at that one:Smug:
Whatever happened to the good old days?...Like 'ol Nikita Kruschev..."We will bury you!" That kind of thing!
OldScratch said:
This is just what I thought when when the White House issued our terrifying "provocative act" comment about the Korean nuke test. Ohhh...we told them - a provocative act! By god, 'ol Kim Jung Il must have been quaking in his tiny boots at that one:Smug:
Whatever happened to the good old days?...Like 'ol Nikita Kruschev..."We will bury you!" That kind of thing!

You know what, this page pisses me off more and more each day. I come here because Billy is cool enough to keep US up to date with what he's doing, whether it be nothing, or going on tour. Yet, for some reason, people turn a cool place where you can interact with fans, and Billy alike, into some kind of "Korean War". Both sides should be ashamed. Kim Jong Il blaming Condoleeza, Condoleeza blaming Kim Jong Il, you're all fucking morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't a history debate class. You're all adding to the dumbness of America by buying into this bullshit. I'm just here to find out about a person who's touched my life, both musically and politically, to think for myself and not to blindly follow one side, which is all I see here. Thanks for ruining it for me assholes
