This is some hypocritcal shit.

maybe if the media/TV stations stop filming these idiot muslim fanatics then that would give them less or NO reason to do stupid shit like this - as they know none of us in the west would be watching them.

sometimes i think the media acts as a catalyst in situations like this, then all these dumb muslims think: great we're on TV and the world is watching, let's burn some flags and torch some embassies. then in the same breath they say "islam is a religion of peace" - to which i say BULLSHIT.

and anyway - don't these morons have anything better to do with their time.....?
max said:
and anyway - don't these morons have anything better to do with their time.....?

Ok, I got it. Mohammad, Osama, Ibrahim, and Yussaf (muslim terrorists) were all sitting around their tent, smoking some hashish, talking about their day. Then Ibrahim stands up and starts shouting "I got it!! Lets get some media attention, torch a few buildings, kill some people, and blame it all on the US! Sound good?" Osama proclaims, "Yeah, but, we need a reason..." Mohammad interjects "..and a message." Yussaf adds "ok, we kill people, say its in Allahs name, and blame the west, ok?" All agree, then go out to the local Camel Lot and get some smokes, twinkies, and a 6 pack of beer.
Miltbrand said:
Here they are:












Thanks a bunch! Copied, saved, printed, and showed to my local jordanian convinience store keeper. He said it was disgusting, I said: " Yeah, may be be, but it's sure funny." Then we talked about families, kids not wanting to learn, global warming, Bush (George W.), shook each other hands, and parted. No violence happened.
All this fuss was sure very handsomely orchestrated. Purpose? Quiet a few. A lot of angry, angry people of all kinds is in the world today. Those pictures allowed them to channel their anger into that particular direction. But at the end of the day they'll realize that the torched danish flag, or burned down danish embassy, didn't bring no bread to the table. They're still gonna live at some shitty place, eat shitty food, wear rags. No Mohammed, Jesus, Budda, or Moshiach ever fed somebody, or gave a shelter (may be a spiritual one, though).
My first reaction was ro make a t-shirt with those pictures and proudly wear it during my daily rounds through multicultural NY City. Then I thought better of it: I don't want to offend anybody, 'cause I don't like to be offended myself. Still I am buying only danish beer these days, though my preferences are across the Channel with Bass and Newcastle Ales :), eating danish cheese, reading Andersen and Knut Gumsen (he was Norwegian, but anyway), and listening to King Diamond.
The bottom line is that there is nothing rotten in Denmark.
I did some research and talked with my pastor on this (yes I go to church, infiltrating enemy territory) and here is the solution I came up with. Muslims regard their religion very highly. The way we view child molestors/abusers is the way they view EVERYONE who has something to say against thier faith. Its not so much of "my way is best" per se, but saying something or drawing something making fun of thier faith is an unthinkable act to them. Although a decent muslim would say "I dont like that, you shouldnt have done that" their bible preaches violence to anyone who, basicly, breaks their law. They also think the whole world should be Islamic, but that is what every religion preaches. So I guess if I had to make an analogy, think of these cartoons being posted akin to someone putting up pictures in a paper of a dude raping, killing, burning, then pissing on the body of a 6 year old child.

My research gave me a new perspective on it. But it didnt change my mind that Islamic extremist will be the ultimate end to this world, and all of them are WRONG and should be shown so on a daily basis.
Dick Goof said:
If a newspaper in a muslim country had made offensive cartoon drawings of Jesus, half the WESTERN world would be screaming for war against muslim countries. .

Screw that... The Western world wouldn't give a shit what those scumbags said... They are fucking animals... Those protesters that were holding up signs that were pro 9/11 and the London bombings should have been beaten to a pulp and shit on......
Karina_666 said:
oh, there you go putting words into my mouth. I live and work near New York City, I know plenty of muslims. In fact, I'm at work right now with several people who participate in that joke of a religion. And I am anti-Bush, so stop trying to lump me in with the Bush worshippers to fit your retarded stereotype. Yeah, I said retarded, so now you can accuse me of hating them to. You're just pissed because a woman actually expressed an opion without asking your permission first. You are aptly named Dick Goof.

You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
At my job, there's a culture clash and racist jokes fly there but they rarely step over that fine line. I know it can be gray too. I think the american media is being pussy about not showing us the very images that has caused all of this aftermath. We need to see. Those european journalists are fearing for their lives and the american media is being pussy about showing us. I can't understand the thinking of these radicals. "OH you depicted us in an uncivilized/offensive manner that I don't agree with. Now I'm going to kill you" [to prove your wrong]?????
Carcassian said:
1. Yes it does. In the Western world, we can make fun of pretty much anything. If Allah is all powerful, I'm sure he can take a joke. If some followers can't, why the hell should they dictate what I can or can't say? By the way, offending a religion isn't racism unless the religion and a race are co-terminous. I am not aware of a race of Muslems, but then again I live in the West.

2. I think you are confusing modern day life with the crusades. Speaking frankly, most people in the West couldn't give a shit about christianity either: have you seen "The Life of Brian"? The last I checked, no "Christian" nation declared war on Britain for that masterpiece of comedy. Your argument is weak and powered by anti-western propoganda.

3. Their problem, not mine. If their religion is so powerful and brilliant, then I'm sure it will be able to weather a few cartoons in newspapers. All this reaction is doing is showing those right-wing groups in Europe and the US that they were right about Islam all along: that it is a repressive, close minded reactionary religion that likes to fight.

Of course, this is at odds with the proud history of Islam, which managed to preserve much of the worlds wisdom during the dark ages. Too bad the minority of flag burning illiterates today are defecating on the proud traditions with pig ignorance and intolerance.

just my opinion. I'll look for my Fatweh in the post.

Masterpiece of comedy indeed. Great post! :worship:
in london there was a muslim guy at the danish embassy protests who "dressed up" as a suicide bomber. turns out he's a conviced drug dealer who was released early, but the police arrested him for breaching the terms of his licence.
he made a grovelling public apology but it was too late and now the police have locked him again! what an idiot.

and hate preacher abu hamza has just been sent down today for 7 years here in the UK.
good ridance to both of those scum!