Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Maybe this is old but DAMN it's funny. Read the reviews for this 500$ (!!!) network cable:


A caution to people buying these: if you do not follow the "directional markings" on the cables, your music will play backwards. Please check that before mentioning it in your reviews.
Purchasing the Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable has improved my digital audio experience tremendously. I can now hear individual sound waves vibrating at resonant frequencies previously only accessible to a person enjoying twenty or thirty hits of acid. Unfortunately, the unique properties of the sonic vibrations produced by this cable have also opened a portal to a demon dimension in my living room.
I bought four.

Yeah, two grand is a little steep, but I can work a double shift to make up for it in about two months.

Used them to tie my wife to the bed.

Then I went out to play tennis. When I came back, she was still there and she could hear better. Great product!
What can I say? I blew $500 on this cable thinking I might as well enjoy the highest quality data transmission during my last miserable AIDS-infested days on the planet. Well upon installing the cable I noticed a spring in my step and a lessening of the sores. 2 weeks, that's right 2 weeks later, my doctors told me that I had been cured of AIDS!!! Can't wait to go back to Haiti now!!!