Depressive Age


Tyrant in Distress
Has anyone heard this band? I found one of their CDs in the 75% off bin at Media Play, and having been intrigued by their description (which I had read previously) decided to buy it. I was quite pleasantly surprised; it is an excellent CD. It is progressive thrash with doom-style vocals, if that makes any sense. It should be of interest to anybody who likes prog or thrash, hell they even have a semi-death song. I found some other great CDs in that 75% off section. Xentrix "Dilute to Taste", Candlemass "Live", Forte "Division", and a couple Scatterbrain CDs. I also some some others that I already have like Anacrusis "Manic Impressions" and Forced Entry "As Above, So Below". There were some death metal CDs but I didn't know the bands or like them. Some of the other bands were Pyogenesis, Bolt Thrower, Napalm Death, and others. If anyone is interested in them, I could buy them (they are like $3 or $4 each) and trade or sell them.

hallo jim!Just surfin through the forums and I saw this thread...
I've only got a couple of DA mp3s...but they rock!If I come across Electric Scum I'll definately buy it...Pola Athletic Son is fuckin great,everyone dl it!