Describe a COB song with pictures...

:blush: well thanks, but Joe hasn't said it's right yet...

And does anyone know where I could find that song ?? I know it exists, thanks to SOB, but I have never heard it.

EDIT : Forget it, some very nice guy sent me the link, I won't tell who he is because I don't want him to get into trouble with the mods or something but anyway... thanks :)
This one's as easy as pie.


Talking Of The Trees. I didn't know Inearthed songs counted
Yeah that's pretty ghey. If you going to describe a song that IS NOT on one of CHILDREN OF BODOM's 5 studio albums, PLEASE STATE WHAT BAND IT IS or if it's a cover or something.
Oh come on, it's just the same band but they changed the name.

Ok, it's the same band... and we knew it.

And maybe you won't believe it but not everyone is so good informed about Children Of Bodom's past.

It's just an example the fact that many people that join the forum keep mentioning cover songs that COB have never done.

And this thread is called "Describe a COB song with pictures", so... :)
Oh come on, it's just the same band but they changed the name.

I specified at the start of the thread that you should chose a song from a Children of Bodom album, not Sinergy, not Warmen, not Inearthed or a cover.

Obviously, it'd make this longer if you did choose a song from one of those bands but if you're going to do that, at least say.
I specified at the start of the thread that you should chose a song from a Children of Bodom album, not Sinergy, not Warmen, not Inearthed or a cover.

Obviously, it'd make this longer if you did choose a song from one of those bands but if you're going to do that, at least say.
:Smug: I bet you didn't read what I wrote. Nevermind, what I meant is that there is no difference in the name as long as it's the same people in the band. I mean, Dark Tranquillity were previously known as Septic Broiler.
I did read what you wrote but I specified at the beginning of the thread, songs from albums under the name of COB.

It's not important but it just makes things more confusing that they need to be.

Let's see if someone can guess Heartless_Name's last one.