Describe the OL members with 3 words...

Derya the Angel

Feb 13, 2003
well, most of you know all of them, for the few ones who doesnt know them personelly, you should have an opinion coz you meet them in the forum.
it's so hard to describe them with just 3 words but - the rule is this- i'll try:

Kobi; sensitive, considerate, a deep poet:worship:
Yossi; a great father, wise, peaceful:Spin:
Uri; pure, lovely heart, creative:saint:
Matti; humanistic, optimistic, so sweet:dopey:
Eden; amusing, funny, cool:cool:
Yatziv; heplful, kind, amazing on percussion:)
Avi; insane, crazy, funny:loco:

well, i cant stop unless i write these also, i feel so lucky that i met such a great, kind, warm, friendly, perfect hearted people like them, love&miss ya all friends!:wave:
Humanistic? Optimistic? Sweet? I'd shoot a baby anytime just to see it bleed! It's better for him than to live in this cruel and heartless world. (kidding :dopey: )

Derya in 3 words: Sweet, freindly, funny
Tal in 3 words: you idiots! can't you turn your had and look at the back of the bus?
Nathalie in 3 word: amazing, cactus lover, hagelslag supplier. :Spin:
Herkese Tsekkur Ederes (hope I wrote it OK) to you all :worship:

And Derya, you are truly full of depth and surprises like the ocean itself.

Btw, I might be arriving to Turkey in early May (not with the band, but for 2 days or so on work related issues). I'll let you know more details later on. Tamam? :p