Time to tell you guys about the show last night.
It was the time to witness a line up that is not usual for us latin american audiences. 3 good bands together, not likely. Thats why this was a fucking blast for me, as a big fan of the 3 bands. First off, I arrived to the venue of the place about half an hour before it started. I was doomed to make the line and get a crappy spot at the venue, but while I was walking my way down to the end of the line, I found some old friends that were stanging really near of the front. Of course I jumped in with them there.
The show was set to start at 19:00. For some reason it took half an hour more to kick off, anyway. The Orphaned Land guys hit the stage. It was a little strange the mood in the audience. Of course most of the people at the show wanted to see Kreator (they were headliners). Most of them were thrash metal fans and are not used to listen to stuff like Orphaned Land or even Tristania, but of course each one of the bands got their good amount of fans singing and getting crazy with every song. I dont remember all the songs Orphaned Land played because I dont recognize all of them by name. Later Ill try o figure out what other songs they played. (Im missing 3-4 songs on this list). Or maybe Kobi can help me to finish my setlist here.
Anyway, I was amazed by the great energy that the band brings on stage. Uri and Eden headbanging all the time (and I mean ALL the time). Yossi always with a smile on his face going from one side of the stage to the other to see all the audience, Matti with a great groove, Avi raging on his drums (I loved his drumming) and Kobi cheering the crowd as much as possible, encouraging us to clap, or raise our hands. During Norra el Norra and Aldiar Al Mukadisa they brought 2 very sexy belly dancers (the one that was at Edens side was way hotter, hehe). That caught the attention of the crowd that wasnt caring about their performance, and after that I could notice some people giving a chance to the guys, listening to them and even starting to headband! I noticed the guys had a great time on stage. I really hope they did, on and off stage at my country. I liked how they make every song different from the album. I mean you can recognize they are playing Norra el Norra or Seasons Unite, but at some point of the song they change it a little to make it sound different. I loved that. To be honest, I was expecting Halo Dies, but later Eden told me they need 2 growling vocalists to perform that song, Kobi and a guest vocalist that helps with the fast growling part. Fair explanation, then I asked Kobi why they didnt play Beloveds Cry, and he told me that as it was a ballad, they didnt think it will fit the moment and the type of crowd, again a fair explanation. Thank you guys for being so nice to me. I really appreciate it!. A little after their performance was over they went out of backstage to share a moment with fans, and I know they won new fans there, because a lot of people gathered around of them asking for a picture or a signature at the concert ticket. Had the oportunity to share some good beers with all the guys. Cheers again brothers! Heres what I remember of the setlist, in no order, sorry. I suck.
Orphaned Land
Ocean Land
The Kiss of Babylon
Birth of the three
Aldiar Al Mukadisa
Seasons Unite
Norra el Norra
Time for some good gothic metal. And who could be better than Tristania themselves. I have to be totally honest with you guys. When Tristania hit the stage, all the Orphaned Land guys were hanging out with fans (including me), so I didnt pay much attention to their performance, even so I saw a great mood among the audience, getting really tight and singing their lungs out. I think that a female vocalist makes it all different. I have to say that I enjoy more the stuff done by Morten Veland, but still they gave to the mexican fans a great performance. Heres the complete setlist.
World of Glass
Beyond the Veil
The Wretched
Tender Trip on Earth
A Sequel of Decay
Holy Majolly! Time for Kreator. Lights went out, the intro Choir of the damned was in the air. I have to say this first. Ventor is a fucking machine! Great drumming from the guy. Really liked his performance. Of course all the crowd went nuts in a second. The opening song, Enemy of God couldnt fit better. Mille has this tearing and aggressive voice that really brings the beast out of all of us. The setlist was classic, obviously with the addition of the new album songs. Hes a great frontman. He told us... Mexico, Do you know how to kill? Show me your pleasure to... KILL! That was the loudest scream of the night, and then Ventor started his fast drumming, my God... awesome. I had the pleasure to share this song with Kobi headbanging together with me. Highlights of the Kreator setlist: Violent Revolution, Pleasure to Kill followed instantly by Phobia, and Flag of hate followed non-stop by the best song of the night in my opinion.. TORMENTOR! I headbanged my ass off during the last one. Mille is for sure one of the best front man I have every seen. (and I have seen a lot!).
Definitely the best show we mexican metalheads have had during this year, and I doubt anything would top this. Thank you again Orphaned guys for making of this show and unforgettable one for me. You rock!
Choir Of The Damned
Enemy Of God
Impossible Brutality
Pleasure To Kill
World Anarchy
The Patriarch
Violent Revolution
Terrible Certainty
Extreme Aggression
People Of The Lie
Reconquering The Throne
Suicide Terrorist
Voices Of The Dead
Riot Of Violence
All Of The Same Blood (Unity)
Ripping Corpse
Terror Zone
Love Us Or Hate Us
Flag Of Hate
Almost 5 hours of headbanging, drinking beer, singing and great metal. Only in my dreams.
**Sorry about the length of the review, but as I remember it, I get pumped up again, hehe.
- Robert
It was the time to witness a line up that is not usual for us latin american audiences. 3 good bands together, not likely. Thats why this was a fucking blast for me, as a big fan of the 3 bands. First off, I arrived to the venue of the place about half an hour before it started. I was doomed to make the line and get a crappy spot at the venue, but while I was walking my way down to the end of the line, I found some old friends that were stanging really near of the front. Of course I jumped in with them there.
The show was set to start at 19:00. For some reason it took half an hour more to kick off, anyway. The Orphaned Land guys hit the stage. It was a little strange the mood in the audience. Of course most of the people at the show wanted to see Kreator (they were headliners). Most of them were thrash metal fans and are not used to listen to stuff like Orphaned Land or even Tristania, but of course each one of the bands got their good amount of fans singing and getting crazy with every song. I dont remember all the songs Orphaned Land played because I dont recognize all of them by name. Later Ill try o figure out what other songs they played. (Im missing 3-4 songs on this list). Or maybe Kobi can help me to finish my setlist here.

Orphaned Land
Ocean Land
The Kiss of Babylon
Birth of the three
Aldiar Al Mukadisa
Seasons Unite
Norra el Norra
Time for some good gothic metal. And who could be better than Tristania themselves. I have to be totally honest with you guys. When Tristania hit the stage, all the Orphaned Land guys were hanging out with fans (including me), so I didnt pay much attention to their performance, even so I saw a great mood among the audience, getting really tight and singing their lungs out. I think that a female vocalist makes it all different. I have to say that I enjoy more the stuff done by Morten Veland, but still they gave to the mexican fans a great performance. Heres the complete setlist.
World of Glass
Beyond the Veil
The Wretched
Tender Trip on Earth
A Sequel of Decay
Holy Majolly! Time for Kreator. Lights went out, the intro Choir of the damned was in the air. I have to say this first. Ventor is a fucking machine! Great drumming from the guy. Really liked his performance. Of course all the crowd went nuts in a second. The opening song, Enemy of God couldnt fit better. Mille has this tearing and aggressive voice that really brings the beast out of all of us. The setlist was classic, obviously with the addition of the new album songs. Hes a great frontman. He told us... Mexico, Do you know how to kill? Show me your pleasure to... KILL! That was the loudest scream of the night, and then Ventor started his fast drumming, my God... awesome. I had the pleasure to share this song with Kobi headbanging together with me. Highlights of the Kreator setlist: Violent Revolution, Pleasure to Kill followed instantly by Phobia, and Flag of hate followed non-stop by the best song of the night in my opinion.. TORMENTOR! I headbanged my ass off during the last one. Mille is for sure one of the best front man I have every seen. (and I have seen a lot!).
Definitely the best show we mexican metalheads have had during this year, and I doubt anything would top this. Thank you again Orphaned guys for making of this show and unforgettable one for me. You rock!
Choir Of The Damned
Enemy Of God
Impossible Brutality
Pleasure To Kill
World Anarchy
The Patriarch
Violent Revolution
Terrible Certainty
Extreme Aggression
People Of The Lie
Reconquering The Throne
Suicide Terrorist
Voices Of The Dead
Riot Of Violence
All Of The Same Blood (Unity)
Ripping Corpse
Terror Zone
Love Us Or Hate Us
Flag Of Hate
Almost 5 hours of headbanging, drinking beer, singing and great metal. Only in my dreams.
**Sorry about the length of the review, but as I remember it, I get pumped up again, hehe.
- Robert