Describe the person above you.

Yeah Igraine, somebody called me whore, it's true... and the best is that I don't know why. Well, just forget about it...

To Profanity: I've never taken offence to anyone since I'm here.... Arsham is a nice person, I've already talked with him days ago like I do with other people, and I wasn't offending him before. But you can think what you want, it's your right.
Aw well, I'm off to bed, I'm such a forum junkie as soon as I brought my shit inside I came on the computer... but I need sleeps now :D

Marcio (MegustoMucho) was waiting at the tourbus on the 19th too, I saw him there and we said hi, he also got in somehow (with lotsa eager people waiting outside) downstairs to the afterparty for a few seconds to get an autograph. So he must have a cool story too. He can keep you entertained until I come back and post pictures/more info/and my 9 min video of MoS-DNW medley.

i think we all can guess what marcio did to get in there :p