Describe the poster above you

Is Swedish

I am not American, I am German, Czechoslovakian, Spanish, Colombian, English, theres a possibility I'm also Moorish (because the Moors invaded Spain).

But American is Native American. But yes I am an American citizen if thats what you mean.

But if you trace any human roots back far enough you would be from different parts of Africa, the Israelites came from Egypt and migrated other places too such as Europe. The Asians migrated to the Americas but I also heard that the Egyptians went across the sea to Mexico too. I think most humans have Egyptian roots. I think Egypt was the first civilization that wrote and stuff like that.
^ Wishes he made a picture of a dinosaur Jesus holding an uzi.

Has a odd group of necro black metal bands to mall-ish metalcore bands in his sig which shows me he has had not enough time to expand upon his band selection.

(This is how its done.)