Desert Island (Maiden) Disc


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
If you were stuck on a desert island, which Maiden disc (you're allowed other bands, so don't worry:p) would you HAVE to have?
Wow! Am I really lucky enough to be the first one to post an album here?:cool:
Do live albums count? If so, I would have to go with Live After Death... all the classics and "Scream for me Long Beach!" to remind me of home.

If live albums don't count, then Iron Maiden's first album, which I first heard in 1985. Remember Tomorrow is still my alltime fav IM song. I wore the vinyl out of this one spinning RT, Strange World and Phantom of the Opera over and over and over and over....
UP THE IRONS!!!:headbang:
Live After Death for me, too. Their best (well, some of them) early songs, performed by the ultimate Maiden line-up :headbang:
Can i bring a compilation album? Then it would be Best of the Beast :)
If it were the best I know of it would be Saxon - Heavy Metal Thunder :headbang: