Design The Skyline

Dec 29, 2010
This band is more pathetic than I initially thought. If you look at their video it has 3XX,XXX views and only 120 comments.

And EVERY comment is supportive/positive. Like how pathetic can one band of mangina owning, anime/human hybrids be?

They seriously deleted ALL the negative comments and now require approval for comments.

Lmao im not sure what they are trying to do anyway. Obviously the name Design The Skyline has already been mangled beyond recognition and for god sakes REBECCA BLACK has a higher like/dislike ratio.

Just felt like talking about those pussies a little more lol =p
This band is more pathetic than I initially thought. If you look at their video it has 3XX,XXX views and only 120 comments.

And EVERY comment is supportive/positive. Like how pathetic can one band of mangina owning, anime/human hybrids be?

They seriously deleted ALL the negative comments and now require approval for comments.

Lmao im not sure what they are trying to do anyway. Obviously the name Design The Skyline has already been mangled beyond recognition and for god sakes REBECCA BLACK has a higher like/dislike ratio.

Just felt like talking about those pussies a little more lol =p

Old new is old
(puts on flame retardant)

Maybe I just fail to see things straight but weren't those Bring me the Handrazor kids practically the same shit (except they were a little less antitalented musically)?

As an "old school" metalhead all of that Victory stuff is disgustingly effeminate to me, for lack of a better word and I can take androgynous shit pretty well, but in a suitable context (I like me some Bauhaus and dodgier old goth rock in general).

Victory records got the plot early on. I couldn't (and still can't) find any appreciation for any of the bands they signed since Thursday, Nodes of Ranvier and all those turn of the century emo bands from Sioux Falls (which was hot shit when I was 18 and into Black/Death Metal).

Of course, like A.C. would say "it just gets worse" and these kids are the ultimate conclusion for that kind of music. Yes I don't really like the precursors and probably many of you who do might find my opinion offensive, but I digress, as Bieber and Hannah Montana have proved in recent years, there's a fair amount of money to be made off children these days, much more so than adults that care about music less and less and have disparate tastes. Children on the other hand are obviously not so discriminating and any garbage with a suitably overhyped image, preferably purveyed by musicians their age, can and will sell records. The 16 and up might get their panties a little ruffled but this is capitalism in action. Is it exploitative? Yes. Is VR a long-fallen from grace home to all abomination? In my mind at least. Is Brummel a capitalist genius? In the "heavy guitar" part of the music industry, I see few who can approach him.

By the way I harbor the same resentment for Staiger, Kampf and especially Monte Conner. Kampf was more or less Brummel's Euro equivalent. Look at his label today. Hardly a bastion of proper Hardcore Punk. Hardcore Pink more like.

In short: Yes they suck harder than everyone else but it's only pushing a goalpost a few inches ahead. How much you wanna bet there's worse ahead?
kvoid you must be mistaken. Counterparts is one of the most bad-ass newer bands on VR. They don't suck at all
Meh, the time where I could get upset about a band being famous with a music style I don´t agree with have way passed.
And its lame to not wanting to get your band spaces spammed with personal insults 24/7 ?

Oh and IMO bieber is much more talented then 90% of the haters out there will ever be at anything ;).
kvoid you must be mistaken. Counterparts is one of the most bad-ass newer bands on VR. They don't suck at all

I heard them and they're OK. I don't like that kind of music though. And one good band and a ton of shit does not gold make :)

But as I said I really don't care. If I was Brummel I would have done the same. Money is more important than betraying something like "Metal" or "Hardcore" if you a) do not play it b) do not live or believe the "lifestyle" aspect. But I'm not Brummel. And I have more dignified ways of making my daily bread than whoring out shit to children.

There's a lot of Pop music I like. There's a lot of so-called Metal I despise. In the end it's all a business. And no one is getting robbed, raped and murdered because of it. Maybe the "artists" are heh. But maybe they deserve it?