I'm going to make a Design The Skyline cover, need your help to figure out some stuff


Anssi Tenhunen

If you guys don't know, I make rock/metal/punk covers of bad songs (I've done stuff like Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (extreme metal), Rebecca Black - Friday (punk), Jenna Rose - My Jeans (pop metal) and the Eurovision winner song (pop metal), you can hear them on my youtube account. But now I'm going to bite into a huge pile of shit and make a metalcore cover of Design The Skyline - Surrounded by Silence.

But I'm going to make it with a twist; I'm going to re-arrange the song and try to remake the song so that it doesn't sound like ass(!) is in more constant tempos(!!) in 4/4 or 3/4 time signature(!!!) and actually has a more normal semi-repeating structure(!!!!)

If you haven't seen the original "awesomeness", check it here:

So far I have gathered that the structure of the original is as follows:

1 - Intro 1 (0:00-0:30), stopped counting, like 24 bars or something, but I'm not going to do it that long anyways
2 - Verse 1 (0:30-0:46), 8 bars (x/4?)
3 - Twitchy 1 (0:46-0:58), 6 bars? (x/x?)
4 - Symphonic 1 (0:58-1:08) 4 bars (5/x?)
5 - Build up and Chorus 1 (1:08-1:58) 24 bars - 4/4
6 - Breakdown 1 (1:58-2:14) 8 bars - 4/4
7 - Twitchy 2 (2:14-2:33) ? - (x/x?)
8 - Bridge 1 (2:33-2:42) 4 bars + 1 bar fill (4/4)
9 - Symphonic 2 (2:42-2:58) 8 bars (4/4)
10 - Twitchy 3 (2:58-3:13) ? - (x/x?)
11 - Semi-breakdown 1 (3:13-3:31) ? - (x/x?)
12 - Breakdown 3 (3:31-4:17) 18 bars (4/4)

But I need some help from you guys, because tempos, timesignatures and scales are constantly changing and the playing doesn't make sense most of the time, so my musical sense is totally thrown off and I have hard time figuring out a lot of stuff, but basically what I would like to figure these out:

- They are playing 6 string guitars, but what is the tuning they play in? my guess is something between drop A and drop C

Can anyone figure out:
a) the notes in the intro
b) the riff in the Verse (I hear that there is a higher one and a lower one, something like 6666-swing-swung-7777-swing-swung + another guitar playing something totally different)
c) the guitar chord progression in the Chorus (the keyboard melody is messing me up big time)
d) the chords in the symphonic 1 and symphonic 2

Figuring out the lyrics are not a problem, since they are in the YouTube description box. :)
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Try to make those cleans actually bareable. I mean they are really bad in the original so take them up a few notches.

Anyways this is not easy. At times it seems like they just threw parts in there and it was done.
Off, and yet on, topic.. have you bothered listening to any of their other music?
They admitted on their Facebook in a comment somewhere that this track was a publicity stunt suggested by Victory.
The other stuff they have isn't really that great but it's a lot more dignifying that this stuff.