Designated Post-PP HooHa Club


Galactic Space Crusader
Aug 21, 2007
Call me shallow if you will, but nothing is more "metal" then a good bit o' polegrinding after a fine show.

Rather then a free-for-all shotgun blast around Atlanta, it would be far more impressive to get a strong PP showing out to a designated club. Any suggestions out there? better yet any group discount organizers!


Hail and Kill!!!
Cheetah, definitely the Cheetah. And I believe there already are a few planned trips during PP. Its always a lot of fun.

And yes, the food is fantastic. Nothing beats eating a fine pan seared tuna on a table being danced on, insert your own caption here. lol
The Cheetah is an after show tradition. We go at least twice every year. Just grab a cab! We had six people piled in one cab last year... and it wasn't a van...
The Cheetah is an after show tradition. We go at least twice every year. Just grab a cab! We had six people piled in one cab last year... and it wasn't a van...

I'm just glad you didn't take a picture of Rene from Mercenary sitting in my lap :lol:

One of the yearly rituals that I will miss dearly...I will have to make up for it two fold next year!


You will be SORELY missed this year; we're definitely looking forward to the Bear Reunion Bash in 2008 :kickass: