desktop whoring

Im shocked there is no Borderlands players in here.

I'm a Borderlands player. I love that game man, it combined my love of Diablo and FPS perfectly.

Its a brutal game its a FPS RPG and the baddies scream shit like

"its time for another pound of flesh"

And lets not forget "STRIP THE FLESH, SALT THE WOUND!! AAHAHAHAHA!". Plus admit it, you still laugh every time you hear Brick going apeshit in Berserker mode. He laughs like a lunatic as he punches the shit out of everything he sees.

I would definitely recommend Borderlands to anyone that likes FPS games and RPG's. It's the only shooter I know of with random item drops. You build up your skill trees like in Diablo, but the items enemies/chests drop are guns (Repeaters, Revolvers, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Machine guns, Explosive or Shotguns) and they can have any look, color or stats on them. Everything from accuracy to reload rate to clip sizes to fire rate is generated on the spot meaning everyone has their own unique gun. Also 4 classes to choose from that each add their own elements and perks to combat. Soldiers can become medics to heal or they can lay down turrets that support you, snipers can specialize in weapons or scavenging etc.

It's a sweet fuckin' game in co-op but it's fun even when you're by yourself. It's just best you stick to playing with people you know since even on XBOX Live there are hackers and shit that ruin it for everyone. Closed private co-op games for the win. Borderlands sense of humor and the fact it never takes itself seriously is the key to why it's fun, the game was built from the ground up with the idea of friends laughing and having a blast.

My only complaint it that it's a little easy if you do all the quests. You pretty much HAVE to skip a lot of sidequests to keep the enemies and yourself at a fair stance, otherwise you 1-shot everything by about 3/4 through. Enemies are too low a level to keep up with the amount of XP you are given for quests. Oh and sometimes there are TOO MANY drops, it gets annoying later on when you are still finding tons of rusty revolvers and shit and your inventory is small.
Capped everything on borderlands..Hehe I do view my gamerscore as pretty high vs the standard anyways. Especially my dabbling in WoW and pc gaming as well. Check out amnesia...scariest game I've played since my childhood. Must have the lights off and headphones on.

Isn't that the new Survival horror that made by the same people that made Prenumbra? I want to play it!!

css sucks cock...

1.6 fo lyf niggah!

CSS is over-rated game, and CS1.6 is just a lesser version. At least in my opinion. There are MANY far superior games of that type

Edit: Dude I'm in gaming mode today, apparently I'm not the only one though :)
Isn't that the new Survival horror that made by the same people that made Prenumbra? I want to play it!!
Yep! This time they handled promotion themselves. 20 bucks on Steam I believe. I can't stress enough that headphones / playing in the dark alone is key to experiencing the entire ominous tone of the games atmosphere though. Glad a TRUE survival horror game has come forth though, not being able to fight = a relief.

CSS is over-rated game, and CS1.6 is just a lesser version. At least in my opinion. There are MANY far superior games of that type

Really, at the time CS was released it was the catalyst of bringing FPS multiplayer games past the typical Doom deathmatch format. Thats the time frame, well that and when it accelerated gaming into true competition with CAL , that I hold dearest in memory. I couldn't be asked to touch it again now though.

Definitely too long to read :lol:

css sucks cock...

1.6 fo lyf niggah!

Oh bugger off... I hate you haters :(
What is wrong with it? It's a bit more realistic and better graphics...
aight, should probably check it auuut then :)

These reactions are funny as hell to listen to. Visually, if you havent actually played this game yet you wont understand why the people are freaking out to the degree they are in this video, while you're actually IN has its hold upon you.

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I'm expanding this shizznit to Mobile device desktops.


How did you copy that? And what is that musicplayer? *new on android*

And btw.. I play Borderlands on 360 AND pc lol
haha, same here! :D i simply can't walk out of a room without looking for items in every corner, it's pretty annoying really :lol:

lol my dad was always like that, i remember playing DOOM 1/2/final with my dad and he always had 100% items/kills/secrets because if he heard a secret door open somewhere, he would not quit the level until he found it

he also played on ultra violence, which at the time was beyond my comprehension

now anything under hard mode is just too simple a game (i think they make normal easier now anyway)
How did you copy that? And what is that musicplayer? *new on android*

And btw.. I play Borderlands on 360 AND pc lol

If you Root and hack your phone you can run screens apps, after that I just uploaded em with the Photobucket app. What Android phone are you running? I can see if I can hook you up with an easy rooting method.

The music player is a Lithium Music player widget. The UI in lithium when you open it is sexy n slick.
If you Root and hack your phone you can run screens apps, after that I just uploaded em with the Photobucket app. What Android phone are you running? I can see if I can hook you up with an easy rooting method.

The music player is a Lithium Music player widget. The UI in lithium when you open it is sexy n slick.

Nice.. A friend of mine can probably root n' hack it for me.. As I said.. I'm a fucking noob @ android. :lol:

Okay then you're right, then I have no clue why they get so scared. It's not even like the monsters appear out of the blue really fast, they just come along casually...

Because you don't have any weapons. It's really scary. You should download it and play it.

Btw.. The developers of Amnesia is from Sweden.. Or Denmark... Skåne is Denmark.. right? ^^