Desolator - Mass Human Pyre (NEW DEMO!)

Lyrics for Mass Human Pyre:

Endless purgatory
Crimson wave of death
A stench of burning flesh

Nuclear deformity
Radiation, suffering
Fallouts of eternal war

Die, revel in pain
Shiver with fear

Mankind laid to rest on a funeral pyre
Graveyard of mutation
Asphyxiating air
Desolate landscapes
Chemical devastation

Carnage is unbound
Human race enslaved
Abhorrent burning wasteland
Abysmal of remnants of war

Carnage is unbound
Human race enslaved
Abhorrent burning wasteland
Abysmal of remnants of war

What remains are twisted
Shatters of a life
Like lepers molded in fire
Scavenging this..

Mass human pyre
Genocide by fire
Mass human pyre
Genocide by fire

Mass human pyre

Lyrics by Stefan

Lifeless, deathless
Victim of eternal horrors
Endless pain
Tortured, impaled, abhorrently crucified

He felt no guilt
Death to jesus and his minions

Blood upon the ornaments
Spatters of flesh
Priest impaled upon the symbol of his jesus divine

Psychopath going after the clurgy
Feel the wrath of the crucifier
Possessed by the fires of hell
Feel the wrath of lucifer

Viciously impaled
Viciously impaled
Viciously impaled

Into the furnace fire
An eternal life expired
Death unfolds
Joined with jesus in rotten soil
Occult final act
Abhorrent shrieks of blasphemy

Viciously impaled
Viciously impaled
Viciously impaled

Lyrics by Stefan
Feeding Frenzy

Malevolent creatures
Drawn by the scent of blood
Hordes of disease and plague
Regurgitate human remains

Tied and bound
For rodents to feast
Eaten and devoured
Sickening beyond belief

Drifting in and out for days
No answer for your prayers

Drifting in and out for days
Until all life fades

Feeding frenzy
Victim of the carnivores
Feeding frenzy
Devoured by the hungry hordes

Feeding frenzy!
Feeding frenzy!

Torn apart and wretched to nothingness
Decrepified mutation of putrid flesh and bones
A trail of corpulent vermin
The last remains of the massacre

Feeding frenzy
Victim of the carnivores
Feeding frenzy
Devoured by the hungry hordes

Feeding frenzy
Feeding frenzy

Lyrics by Stefan
Age of Annihilation

Ancient god of evil
Lifeless dead and dreaming
Slumber in the abyss

Sunken city of R'lyeh
Lost in the deep
Eternal aeons of sleep

Hear my call
Release me

Resurrect the old ones
Spread insanity
Worship the beyond ones
Evil blasphemy

F'ai trhodog!

Tread under the stars
On mortal soil once more
Spill the blood of chaos
Upon the altar of Yog-Sothoth

Come forth from the anti-cosmos
End of all creation
Harbringer of burning times
Age of annihilation

When the stars align
From the darkest deep
The ancient ones arise

Preserved by the spells
Glorious resurrection
The gate is open

Hear my call
Release me

F'ai trhodog!

Tread under the stars
On mortal soil once more
Spill the blood of chaos
Upon the altar of Yog-Sothoth

Come forth from the anti-cosmos
End of all creation
Harbringer of burning times
Age of annihilation

Lyrics by Jonas
Conjuration of the Watcher

O friend and companion of night
thou who rejoicest in the baying of dogs and spilt blood
who wanderest in the midst of shades among the tombs
who longest for blood and bringest terror to mortals
thousand-faced moon!
look favourably on our sacrifices!

I conjure thee, oh ancestor of the gods
I summon thee and call thee forth from thy abode in darkness
I invoke thee from thy resting place in the bowels of the earth

Lyrics by H.P Lovecraft
