Destinity – Under The Smell Of Chaos


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Destinity – Under The Smell Of Chaos
Adipocere Records – CDAR67 – 2003
By Russell Garwood

Destinity are a symphonic black metal band, whose extreme sound also contains death passages and has heavier elements than normal for such a sound. The vocals of Mick are a harsh witch scream, juxtaposed by the almost death-worthy guttural growl of rhythm guitarist Zephiros, and the clean vocals of Morteüs, often using layering and alternation of styles to good effect. Morteüs’ synths are prominent and often reasonably complex, while at times reverting to atmosphere-building and long instrumental sections. The guitars (Lord D.D.) are generally heavily black metal-influenced, but occasional start/stop sections combined with Zephiros’ guttural growl verge on death metal. Other than this, reasonably melodic work dominates, while Benn’s bass is unremarkable but plays its role. The drums of Kris-Tyraël are not overly complex, but well performed and fitting. Occasional instrumental and growl sections bring to mind Cradle Of Filth, while occasionally Morteüs’ singing is reminiscent of Arcturus.

This all makes for an unoriginal but largely entertaining piece of work, which will attract fans of heavier symphonic black. The songwriting tends to rely on similar structures and much of the music can feel samey, but there is enough variation to keep “Under The Smell Of Chaos” interesting for the most part. My greatest complaint would have to be the album title