Destroy ISlam before it's too late..

Evil Dead said:
Agree. I mean, did Nazis preach more hate than Islam?

i dont know if Nazis preached MORE hate, but they certainly didnt preach any less hate! :err:
What is this thread actually about. What is the reason and what is the aim.
This kind of shit brings tears to my eyes. That jug-eared grinning tosser makes me want to puke, simpering around those scum-filth then in the next breath trying to force ID cards on me to "fight terrorism" ! He should grasp the nettle and try dealing with that shower of shit, the enemy within.

Also, one other thing that I can't quite work out from that article :
'There was Aneela Mather, one of the few white faces in the room, who cannot fail to notice "the way people look" when she is walking in Leeds with her Pakistani grandmother. '

Erm, if she is Aneela Mather and she has a Pakistani granny, I would have thought she would have looked pretty much like a Pakistani too, rather than being a "white face". (Can't say "Paki", oh no, that is a racist term, got to say "Pakistani". Sheesh!!) What they fail to explain is that if she is white and walking round Leeds, then it is her people are staring at, because it is one of those cities where there are very few whites!

Thanks for pointing this article out, you Yanks really cannot begin to understand how bad things are over here, nothing like the trad England of even 20 years ago, this will help you to get an idea.
Evil Dead said:
Like Scientology, anyone catch that Southpark last week. Awesome.

That was I have to pick up a copy if Dianetics to see if that's for real. For that matter, I can't believe that fucking horrible R. Kelly shit is for real...that has got to be one of the worst pieces of garbage ever recorded...I heard it in Tower Records and complained that they were playing it...I thought is was a joke. A little more of a tangent, but did anyone see that R. Kelly spoof that Chapelle did...what a pisser. I want to piss on you...drip, drip, drip.